Wednesday, May 27, 2009

(Gustimania) Top 5 Favorite (and perhaps Greatest) Wrestlers of All Time (part 2)

24.5.2009 9.54 a.m

Well, without further delays and all, let’s continue with the list, shall we?

3) Shawn Michaels

He is what he says he is; The Show Stopper, The Main Eventer, The Heart Break Kid (hence the HBK acronym) and perhaps the best of all, Mr. Wrestlemania. Even at the twilight of his career, he can still put on a show in the ring that is unrivalled by anyone, past or present. Case and point, this year’s Wrestlemania, where he and The Undertaker wrestled in one of the best matches that I had ever seen in the ring.

I thought when he was deemed unable to compete due to serious back injury (no thanks to Undertaker during the first Hell in A Cell match) back in 1998, he will never ever compete again. I was wrong when he came back in 2002 and did not miss a beat at all during his confrontation with Triple H at Summerslam. HBK is a guy that you know will give 100% in the ring, injured or not. He is the type of wrestler that can gel with all types of matches. You can brawl with him, put up a technical clinic or even do the spectacular. A very rare breed of wrestler indeed Shawn Michaels is.

Since he came back, he nearly stole the show in every Wrestlemania, with the exception of Wrestlemania 23 where he wrestled John Cena. This shows that he is Mr. Wrestlemania. Whether it was a technical classic with Kurt Angle or a highly entertaining and emotional match against Mr. Mcmahon, his match made the other matches in that Wrestlemania card looked pale in comparison. Just ask any wrestling fans about his or her favorite Wrestlemania matches, I am sure that they will answer it with a Shawn Michaels match.

2) The Undertaker

Simply put the best wrestler out there that is in his twilight years. Also one of the most loyal ones, having performed in the WWE ring for nearly two decades now. The Phenom of WWE, he truly is. I have watched nearly all of his matches (at least the most significant ones) and I am truly in awe with his performance. He never misses a beat from his debut up until now. He is alos the guy who holds perhaps the best record ever in pro wrestling; the undefeated streak in Wrestlemania (17-0).

He can be described as the equivalent of Madonna in the pro wrestling world. He has a high adaptability ability to mesh with any types of matches in any given era. The early years of The Undertaker saw a lot of his matches in more brawling, powerful types. But nowadays, we can see a more technical side of him, with more mat wrestling and submissions being added to his arsenal of moves (hence the Triangle Choke a.k.a The Devil’s Gate submission hold).

This adaptability factor is also implied in his appearance in the ring. From being dressed like a Western undertaker to a more satanic cult figure, he has done it all. But my favorite reincarnation of The Undertaker was during his ‘biker’ years from late 2000 up until late 2003. That was when the coolness factor of that character was boosted by a factor of 10. He was also in his best in the ring during these days. When he retires, I do not know who will replace him as that legendary figure in the WWE. It will be hard to find it.

And my favorite wrestler is..

1) The Rock

The Brahma Bull, The Great One, and for me The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment History. No one, and mean no one can rival The Rock in terms of electrifying the crowd whether in his promos, interviews or even matches. He is an iconic figure during the Attitude Era. Loud-mouth for sure, but never back down from a challenge. He is another rare breed of wrestler that is just so gifted with mic skills.

I have watched all of his matches from his debut up until his last matches, and he seldom fail in enticing a response from the crowd, whether negative or positive. He is also very sharp indeed in the ring, never missed a beat. He is just a joy to watch every time he steps into the ring, generating excitement from the crowd. The best Rock, in-ring wise, was perhaps from 2001 onwards, where he was so sharp and good, the opponents had to step up just to be on the same level as The Rock.

Mic wise, he is simply gifted. He has more catchphrases than anyone in the history of pro wrestling, from ‘Know Your Role!’ to ‘Just Bring It!’, he never fail to deliver in his promos. I had never seen a promo made by other wrestler that can gain immediate attention and response than The Rock’s. Some of his promos are even as funny as hell. Just check out YouTube and laugh your ass off. There is only one Rock, that is for sure. After Stone Cold was inducted into the Hall of Fame this year, I will be a deeply upset person if The Rock do not get the same recognition within the next 2 or 3 years.

Well, that is my list of favorite wrestler. There will be more of this in coming entries as I will try to pick the best wrestlers in every category imaginable.


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