Monday, December 13, 2010

(Gustimania) The Best Things That Happened in WWE for 2010

8.56 a.m 13.12.2010

Finally, another installment of Gustimania is written after months and months of not writing one. Although I was not able write one for a long time does not mean that the passion for wrestling has burned out in this man’s soul. The passion still burning as bright as it was before. Moving on, 2010 has been somewhat a lackluster for WWE in my opinion, with few and far between things, moments or matches that can be considered as memorable and unforgettable. However, there were some bright spots that I think is good enough to be featured here. There are my top 3 best thing that happened in WWE this year. What I considered as the best thing is the things that happened in WWE in 2010 that can be a starting point for major changes in WWE for the coming and following years. Considering that WWE is in a transition period of sort with many established superstars leaving the company (Shawn Michaels, Batista, Chris Jericho) and many more considering to do the same action by next year and beyond (Edge, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio), the things that I want to highlight signifies the rise of young and fresh superstars in the WWE that will be at the main event picture of the WWE for a very long time, replacing the aforementioned established superstars.

3) The rise and establishment of indy wrestlers in the WWE

With WWE boasting with their ability to develop their own talents from scratch for so many years through their own developmental promotions such as the OVW, it is very encouraging of them to give a chance to those wrestlers who perfected their crafts at the independent scene to shine in the WWE. Case and point for this argument is Daniel Bryan or Bryan Danielson to be more accurate. After the success that CM Punk has coming from the indy scene and eventually becoming one of the top guys in the WWE, Daniel Bryan has been given the opportunity to do the same. The current US Champion started out this year through WWE NXT. Although he was out or several months due to the ‘Tiegate’ incident, he came back strong as the mystery member in the Cena-led team at SummerSlam and the rest is history. He truly brought out the best of him in every match that he had. He is in a role that is similar to that of the late great Eddie Guerrero, the late Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle back in the days. Simply to emphasize the second ‘W’ in the WWE and only bigger and better things will come to him in the near future. I will not be surprised if he is given the shot for the major titles next year.

Another indy wrestler apart from Daniel Bryan that shone this year is Alberto Del Rio. He was one of the top luchadores in the lucha libre scene in Mexico and USA. Brought in by the WWE, he transformed himself from a masked luchadore into a Mexican royalty that is Alberto Del Rio. I was one of the skeptics during the airing of his vignettes, thinking that he was not worth all of the vignettes that were up for more than a month. Boy, I was wrong. He was worth every single vignette that he had. He has a persona and charisma that oozes confidence and makes me want to say that he can be in the main event picture of Smackdown for years to come. I am expecting big things to happen to him next year, perhaps a title run is in store for him.

It is really nice to see that WWE is offering the opportunity to established and seasoned indy wrestler to bring their talent to the big leagues. With Kaval (or Low-Ki as he was known in the independent scene) at Smackdown and Tyler Back (former ROH World Champion) at OVW, there will be more to come. I think the WWE finally understand that the talent that excels in the ring is the most important towards having a great overall product and not just depending heavily on characters alone.

2) New faces in the WWE/World Heavyweight Titles picture

Again, as I said before the WWE needs fresh faces to replace the outgoing main eventers. This year, although there are only one or two guys that were given the golden opportunity to win the WWE or World Heavyweight title, it is still something that is refreshing and can be the basis for a successful breakthrough to the main event picture. There are many wrestlers that were given a push this year. Some are not that successful due to lack of steam to their run or mistakes being made by the creative guys at the WWE. Thankfully, there is one guy that managed to breakthrough this year. After Sheamus managed to do it last year, 2010 belongs to the man of awesomeness, The Miz.

The Miz had a very awesome year for his standard. His push throughout the year is very typical of the WWE. His push was not at the very fast-paced, yet not as slow-paced either. He started the year as the U.S Champion and the co-holders of the Unified Tag Team Titles. Then, he went on to being a Pro at WWE NXT, having a feud with Daniel Bryan in the process. After that, he won the Money in the Bank match and went on to cash it in after the Survivor Series PPV, completing his push to the main event picture. One can tell that the WWE has a lot of faith on him by giving him this kind of push. He proved a lot of people who doubted his capability as a wrestler with solid performances in the ring. If you told me that The Miz will become the WWE Champion 3 or 4 years ago, I would laugh to that statement. How wrong I was. The Miz is one of the best example of a talent that always thrive to prove his doubters wrong and this year belongs to him, that is for sure. I would love to buy his DVD if there is one just to know about his hardship in rising to the upper echelons of the WWE.

Hopefully, by next year more and more wrestlers would be given a push like The Miz had, especially those who are in the upper mid-cards of both Raw and Smackdown. Guys like John Morrison, Kofi Kingston and such are long overdue of breaking through that glass ceiling, especially Morrison. He is the only guy within the same developmental period as The Miz and CM Punk who has not burst onto the main event scene. I sincerely hope that he will get that push next year because for me, he has the entire package to be a successful and significant main event guy for the WWE.

1) The Nexus Saga

It all started during a special Raw in the middle of the year. It was John Cena versus CM Punk when suddenly there was an ambush by a group of wrestlers from the first season of WWE’s newly established NXT. Led by the winner of the competition Wade Barrett, they started this long-lasting feud with John Cena throughout the summer period and even up until now. This angle is one of the best in 2010 simply because it is very refreshing and also proving a point that WWE would took a gamble by having fresh, green and inexperienced talents competing against Cena and the rest of the seasoned main event and mid card talents of the WWE. This particular feud ignited Raw to being back to the a show that is fuul of surprises and no one cannot foresee what is going to happen next, something that is very hard to do during this era of information technology, whereby so many things can be leaked and shared among pro wrestling fans throughout the entire world.

The best payoff from this Nexus angle is the establishment of Wade Barrett as a true blue heel main event talent at Raw. He has all the tools needed to have a very successful run as the main heel of Raw. Of all the new talents, he easily has the best mic skills and can make the feud seemed revitalized week in and week out by using that skill of his. A decent in-ring skills to boot, he is definitely one for the future along with the rest of the Nexus. In my opinion, he is the breakout star of the year in the WWE. With this feud far from over as we are heading towards the exciting period of the year for much of the wrestling fans, expect this guy to go from strength to strength and be an even bigger of a factor in the main event scene of the WWE in 2011.

Well, that is just about it from me in this edition of Gustimania. I really hope that I would still have the time to write more about the WWE and pro wrestling in general in the weeks to come.

Au Revoir!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

(Puisi-Tri In Motion) A Fool in Love

10.51 p.m 2.12.2010
In his own space.


He's a fool
For not seeing
And believing
He's a fool
For not realizing
Or noticing it in time
That he is in fact
In love
And falling head over heels
Over that girl
That is in front of him
All this while


He's also a fool
For being so damn late
In convincing himself
Of the true feelings that he has
Towards that girl in front of him
Also for taking so much time
In doing so
Making all too late in the end


He's also more foolish
For not having the guts to say
Those three words to her
Face to face
Eye to eye
Hiding behind words that are typed
And not said straight from his lips


Now he becomes a true fool
Who is alone
Still clinging on those past memories with that girl
And wondering the "What would happen?"
Every single day
Every single hour
Every single minutes
And every single seconds
Because he knows
That he is truly
A fool that is still in love

(Puisi-Tri In Motion) Kosong

8.54 p.m 25.11.2010
Dari sebuah kamar kosong

Masih lagi kosong

Jiwa ini

Masih lagi kosong

Hati ini

Masih lagi kosong

Keinginan ini

Kerana masih lagi menunggu

Satu ketika

Satu peristiwa

Yang mampu mengisi

Sebuah jiwa

Sebuah hati

Dan sekelumit keinginan

Interpretasi ini hanya dapat dikecapi

Dengan adanya dia di sisi

Dan adanya dia di sini dan menemani

Namun cuma satu penantian yang kini dialami

Yang penuh dengan kekosongan

Yang penuh dengan harapan

Kerna diri ini dikuasai keyakinan

Yang hanya dia sahaja

Yang dapat menghilangkan kekosongan ini

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Special Dedication...

10.18 a.m 6.11.2010
Kembali lagi aku ke laman ini after several weeks. Well, the time has finally come. Like the old saying goes, when there is a beginning, there will always be an end. The end, has finally come for this particular chapter of my life. Berakhir sudah pembelajaran Broadcasting Degree selepas 3 semester, walaupun technically it is not over because there is still another semester of practical training. Tapi, bagi aku it does not matter because dengan tamatnya semester 5 ini, maka tamatlah sudah perjuangan dengan study, exams, assignments, test dan perkara-perkara seumpamanya. No more bus rides to class, no more menumpang kereta member (thanks Rudi !) to go back home, and no more sleepless night of finishing assignments and studying for the upcoming test or exams. But come to think about it, benda yang pastinya paling aku rindu out of all these experiences adalah having fun times with my classmates. These bunch of people yang selalu made my day everytime ada kelas. That precious memories with them will always be in my remembrance for the rest of my existence in this world.

Di sini, I just wanna say thank you. Thank you for being classmates yang sangat cool, calm, collective, kelakar, fun, dedicated, beautiful, handsome, penh toleransi, baik hati and macam-macam lagi perkataan yang boleh dikaitkan dengan perkara positif that could not come out from my brain at this moment. Thank you for helping me throughout 3 semester kita bersama. Mengharungi all of those shits and f-ed up things, juga enjoying all the funny, memorable and best moments sepanjang masa kita sebagai satu kelas yang sama. Walaupun most of us baru kenal masa degree and several of us dah kenal since diploma, yang penting kita dah tahu each other so well after this 1 and a half years if studying. Aku harap bond nie akan kekal for a very long time, Insya Allah.

Ery = lepas nie dah tak jumpe dah n tanya pasal esaimen~~
Fary = muke nmpak je garang tapi kelakar owh~~
Cino = seorang yang crazy sebenarnya and always happy~~
Una = selalu bertanya especially masa nak exam, tapi that helps me as well. TQ Una~~
Aleya = Member sejak diploma lagi tapi masa degree nie baru nak kenal2 lebih sedikit~~ walaupun nampak diam tapi gila-gila jugak~~
Nik = oh lepas nie dah tak naik kereta Kelisa tue and dengar Nik kecek Klate~~
Belle = mesti rindu dgn suara 'happy' Belle yang sama happy macam orangnya~~
Fatin = Kak Long ! Dah tak dapat tengok Fatin jadi 'gila-gila'sikit dalam kelas and stress pasal kena bahan dengan Ijat~~
Tun = selalu buat lawak spontan kat dalam kelas, dah takde dah~~
Noyu = lepas nie dah takda dah tgk Noyu duduk depan2 dengar lecture and selalu happy dalam kelas~~ Kim Hyun Joong di hati !
Raiha = suka tengok Raiha yang gigih buat kerja~~ nak aje jadi gigih macam tue~~
Nora = Kakak ! Thanks sangat2 koz jadi 'kakak' yang baik~~ selalu ingatkan pasal keje and stuffs~~ and sama-sama buat assignment selalu~~ lepas nie dah tak selalu tgk Nora 'crack' lagi~~
Lea = Adik ! Lepas nie mesti rindu membahan dan dibahan oleh Lea~~ Thanks for being such a supportive and caring friend of mine~~
Cinta = Cin, maaf lah if ada terbuat benda-benda yang tak kelakar bagi you selama nie~~ You have been such a nice friend to me and I will always cherish this friendship that we have~~
Mar = Cantik ! Lepas nie dah tak tgk Mar kat kelas lagi and tanya pasal assignments and all~~ Tapi dah tau dah kat mana rumah Mar kat Putrajaya~~
Teah = ala lepas nie dah tak tunggu kat bus stand nak balik seksyen 7 lagi~~ and jarang2 jadi fellow active fesbuk member yang sejati~~
Yue = Yue ok kan ? Lepas nie jangan sakit-sakit lagi and jadilah pembaca berita paling besh luar sana~~
Anep = bonceng motor Anep nak pegi fac jumpa mama dah tak buat lagi~~ lepak rumah aku pun dah tak berkesempatan lagi~~ seorang bro yang sangat cool !
Rudi = Rudi the genius and yet lazy guy ! Thanks sebab selalu bagi tumpang kereta ke mana-mana especially to balik ke rumah~~ and also I wanna say thanks for being a damn good work partner all of this time~~
Ijat = MPP penuh dedikasi ! Lepas nie dah tak dengar Ijat selalu kecoh dalam kelas dari mula sampai habis~~ Semoga sukses selalu di dalam apa jua yang anda ceburi~~
Fizo = Sejak diploma lagi menjadi kawan yang sangat2 baik kepada aku~~ Tak tahulah macam mana nak balas jasa baik dan budi Fizo selama ini~~ Cuma Allah sahaja yang mampu membalasnya~~ Lagi satu tone down sedikit panas baran tue~~ Takut aku !
Dino = Cool classmate yang selalu sahaja relax dalam kelas~~ Lepas nie dah tak ada lagi study group dengan Dino lagi~~

Akhir kata, as the class rep of this group, aku ingin memohon sejuta kemaafan if aku ada terkasar bahasa, tersinggung perasaan and buat korang panas dengan aku sepanjang being the class rep this semester. Nobody's perfect and I am no perfect person too. Kalau ada kata-kata and perbuatan aku yang menyusahkan korang and benda-benda seumpamanya, sekali lagi sejuta kemaafan yang aku pohon. Hopefully lepas nie kita semua still in contact especially through Fesbuking, and berjumpa di dunia luar sana time kerja. It is a small world after all.

For one last time you guys~~


Group Mass Comm 23B 09/11

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A transition of feelings...

Out goes miss independent..

In comes miss one in a million..

Monday, October 18, 2010

My life so far in the second half of 2010 (Heaven turned hell)

8.44 a.m 18.10.2010

Yes, kembali lagi aku ke laman ini to say a few words here and there about what I have been up to since the last time that I wrote here. Kali terakhir aku di sini adalah ketika meramalkan pemenang Piala Dunia. Spain winning aside and after enduring 3/4 of the semester, all I can say is that this semester is like heaven turned into hell.

Mengapa aku berkata sebegitu? Awal semester memang heaven. Dengan hanya satu kelas sehari except on Wednesday, terlalu banyak masa terluang. And I spent it with my close peeps, outing and such. Then, the hell gradualy comes into this guy's life. Sikap acuh tak acuh terhadap assignments and too much relaxin has cost him at least the weekends after the Raya break. Sampai sekarang still tak balik lagi disebabkan kerja yang melambak.

As I was typing this, there's still 15(!) things to do before aku boleh menamatkan semester ini, including Final Tests and Exams. Bilangan itu mmg agak ridiculous especially ketika sedang study week ni. Guess not so much of a study week eh? Anyhow I just say that this semester has its own challenges and I do believe that I can overcome it. Believe in oneself, in people you trust, and in Allah are the best way to go.

Ok, nak pergi berbasikal la pulak. Kalau jadilah.

Au revoir.


-Next semester dah ke alam pekerjaan. By the looks of it, it is going to be a pain in the ass.

-Then again, this is what I want to do for all my life. Better take it or leave it.

-Peeps that do care about me and peeps that only take advantages of me. Tell me which side do I want to give a damn first?

-Maybe aku ni baik sangat kot. I do believe that if you do good, you get good. So, tak kisah la if anyone wants to use me. Itu hal mereka dengan Tuhan. That is all I want to say.

-Yes, I do feel that I am in love again. Then again, it is to f-in late to do anything about it. :(

-Because I know that she is going places and just like in the past, I am just a sore excuse for a lover. :(

-Then again, she will always come to my mind. Missing her so f-in badly again. Masalahnya bila teringat assignments I will remember her. The only girl that actually has the same brainwave as me. Oh Miss Independent, how I still missing you !

-WWE in PG sucks big time. There are only a few and far between in terms of bright spots. Oh how I miss the Attitude Era.

-An avid follower of the K-POP scene, a casual follower of the international music scene and a seldom follower of the local music scene.

Hanya satu teguran~~


Dah lama sgt aku tidak menulis di sini..

Sibuk dan leti menjalani kehidupan seharian sebagai seorang pelajar Universiti..

Namun akan ada coretan di sini..

Because this is where things started for me..

Luahan isi hati yg dalam dan menikam~~

Monday, June 7, 2010

(Bolasepak) Ramalan FIFA World Cup versi pemenang

6.6.2010 9.50 a.m

Less than a week before the official kick-off of pertandingan bola sepak terbesar di dunia, dan banyak perkembangan terkini baik dari segi keputusan friendlies dan kecederaan yang dilanda oleh pemain-pemain ternama just adding the spice to this year’s tournament. Kali ni, I would like to tell who am I picking as the possible winner for the whole damn thing. Aku akan rank top 5 pilihan aku berdasarkan potensi dan chances untuk mereka memenangi World Cup. Tanpa membuang masa lagi.

1) Brazil

In my opinion, pilihan paling utama untuk menang kali ni. Under Dunga, they may not be the most fun and visually attractive Brazilian sides in history, but they are the most practical and determined. Defensive mentality yang baik adalah key untuk memenangi apa jua tournament dan Dunga berjaya menyerapkan mentality ini ke dalam skuad Brazil kali ini, terutamanya di bahagian pertahanan dan defensive midfield. Besides that, creative flairs from Kaka and Robinho, accompanied by lethal finishing by forwards such as Luis Fabiano will truly help their cause.

2) Spain

I am installing the EURO 2008 winner behind the Brazilians simply because of one factor; tenacity. Despite the world-class talent that they have, I do not think that they have enough character to go all the way. Namun, harus diingat yang they are very good in all areas. Their three goalkeepers are easily in and fitted into many people’s top 10 goalkeeper list. Their midfield juga adalah yang paling creative di antara 32 nations competing this year. Dengan tahap penyerang-penyerang mereka seperti Torres dan Villa yang terbukti sangat hebat, there will be plenty of goals coming from this European side.

3) Holland

Pasukan Oranje pada kali ini still lagi star-studded just like what they have in the previous years of World Cups. However, ada sense of unity dan lack of ego dalam skuad ni akan menjadi satu petanda yang mereka akan pergi jauh. This team also has a lot of power offensively with the lights of Sneijder, van Persie, Robben (if he’s not injured badly) dan ramai lagi. Selain itu dengan van Bommel, mereka ada midfielder yang boleh bertindak as a brute force in that area. Namun, barisan pertahanan yang kurang solid mungkin merencatkan kempen mereka this time around.

4) England

Pasukan yang akan aku sokong dengan sepenuh hati pada kali ini. The Three Lions might be seen as a bit weak but their tactical awareness and discipline has improved tremendously under Fabio Capello. Mereka pasti akan member impak dalam pertandingan kali ini. The talismanic Wayne Rooney will be key, as his performance can truly define their course in this tournament. Besides that the balanced midfield line-up that they have in their disposal is crucial as they will face various opponents with various style of play throughout the World Cup.

5) Argentina

Perhaps the underdog team besides France among the big nations to go far in this tournament. Tapi aku ada faith in Diego Maradona. He will get his tactics right and get his players head together for the World Cup. Kempen kelayakan yang sangat grueling is a test to their great character in the field. Dan dengan kehadiran perhaps the best football player in the world in Messi, jangan count them out just yet. This side also packs with forwards and attacking midfielders yang full of flair dan talented.

That is my top 5 pick untuk kejohanan kali ni. But let’s not forget the other top nation yang mampu memberi impak yang tersendiri seperti Italy, Germany dan sebagainya. The next entry will focus on the Asian nations yang layak pada World Cup kali ni dan kemampuan mereka untuk leave a good impression this time around.


-Key players for their nations such as Drogba, Ballack, Mikel and Essien (all playing for Chelsea) are out of the World Cup. Chelsea’s curse I must say.

- Cuti sekolah pula. Looks like I will be more into blogging now that my sisters are conquering the TV set. But I will not be denied when it comes to the World Cup.

- Now that I have the World Cup sticker book, aku akan be heavily involved dalam aktiviti mengumpul stiker, dengan matlamat menyudahkannya sebelum tamat World Cup.

- Academic Writing is starting to haunt me. No worries, that is the work that I want to do.

- Serangan Israel ke atas kapal bantuan ke Gaza is a huge PR mistake on their part. Now the world has been awaken by what they have done towards the people of Palestine.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

K-POPified! (part 2)

1.6.2010 3.25 p.m

Let’s continue shall we.

5) 4minute, T-ARA, and f(x) – 3 songs each

Bercerita sedikit tentang 4minute, another energetic girl group that only debuted last year, tapi telah member impak yang sangata significant kepada dunia K-POP as a whole. They have some really catchy tunes under their belt, such as ‘MUZIK’ and their latest track, ‘HuH (Hit ur Heart)’. They even have an ex-Wonder Girls member which is Hyuna. She’s my favorite member dari girl group ini juga. Another charismatic performer and I am digging his solo track ‘Change’, released earlier this year.

Talking about T-ARA, they are the most active and hardworking rookie girl groups of last year with tons of singles and releases. Tapi, the addictive song entitled ‘Bo Peep Bo Peep’ puts them up as a viable and popular idol girl group in Korea. Member kegemaran aku dari grup ni adalah leader mereka, iaitu Eunjeong. She is visually attractive and can rap as well.

Another girl group darI SM Entertainment yang aku minat selain SNSD adalah f(x). This rookie girl group yang debuted pada 2009 ada auranya yang tersendiri. What is more interesting about them is that their members consist of girls from different countries and not just Korea alone. Not a fan of their first two singles, but definitely loving their latest track, ‘NU ABO’. My favorite member is the tomboyish Amber, which is also the rapper within the group and the more masculine, perhaps?

Now that we are done with the girl groups, aku akan beralih focus kepada idol groups lelaki pula. My sisters are huge fan of these groups. I am not into them that much but they do come up with quality and catchy tunes that kept playing in my head. Without further adieu, here it is (rankings is based on the songs that I have when this entry was written):

1) 2PM – 8 songs

First place is of course my favorite from the bunch, 2PM. Perhaps the best and most complete male idol group out there because they come with full package of looks, vocals, and most importantly unbelievable dance move on the stage. They are also so damn funny in variety shows. Actually, they are the first male idol group that caught my attention. Kiranya tak boleh tak tengok mereka perform. I have several tracks from them yang aku truly suka, such as ‘Heartbeat’, ‘Again and Again’ serta ‘Hate You’, but perhaps the best song from them that I like the most is ‘Tired of Waiting’. My favorite member dari grup ni is actually the ex-member, Jay Park. Walaupun dia dah tidak bersama dengan 2PM, I still follow him closely through Youtube. He is a complete entertainer, to say the least.

2) SHINee – 6 songs

SHINee is another group from SM Entertainment yang aku minat. They are a male idol group that is truly refreshing to see, with nice songs under their belt. Yang penting, my sisters are a huge fan of this group. So, I have to follow suit as well and dare I say, minat aku terhadap grup ni grew by each day. Especially loving the addictive track of ‘Ring Ding Dong’. Favorite member aku dari grup ni adalah Minho, simply because all of my sisters are a huge fan of him.

3) Big Bang – 5 songs

The only male idol group out there yang memperjuangkan irama hip-hop. Truly a big fan of this group because they brought in different sound yang sangat best dan menangkap. I have no preference of favorite members kerana just like SNSD, each of them are very unique on their own. But, given a chance aku sangat meminati leader mereka, G-Dragon kerana he is a stylo and trendy guy. Songs daripada merea yang aku minat adalah ‘Lies’ dan ‘Haru Haru’. I just can’t wait for their comeback scheduled for this summer.

4) Super Junior – 4 songs

The premier male idol group out there right now, aku masih lagi terkilan kerana tak dapat pergi ke konsert mereka hari tu. Sayangnya, kedudukan kewangan memaksa aku untuk tidak pergi ke konsert mereka di sini. Anyways, Super Junior consist of (currently) 10 members that are very versatile and talented in every aspect of the K-POP entertainment world. Lagu-lagu kegemaran aku from them is of course ‘Sorry, Sorry’ serta track terbaru mereka ‘Bonamana’. Heechul is my favorite member because he has a very good and hilarious sense of humor whenever he is on a variety show.

Well, itu adalah ranking male idol grup kegemaran aku. Aku nak letak other groups such as 2AM, Beast, MBLAQ, U-KISS dan lain-lain juga. Namun, tahap minat aku belum sampai tahap yang membolehkan aku menulis more about them. Lain kali, mungkin?

Au Revoir.

K-POPified! (part 1)

31.5.2010 5.45 p.m

Kali ni entri aku agak berlainan sedikit and also membuka satu lagi part of this blog that will talk about a new interest of mine iaitu dunia K-POP, atau Korean Pop. Nampaknya, gelombang hallyu has hit me as I am now a big fan of K-POP music scene especially idol groups that are aplenty in Korea right now. It started way back in 2008, kalu aku tak silap. Masa tu sedang menyiapkan assignment video klip that I stumbled across Wonder Girls’ hit single ‘Nobody’ being played on the V Channel. Mula2 just ignoring it than during that the semester break, I found out more about this girl idol group and thus, began my interest in K-POP.

Awal tahun 2009, thanks to one of my friend aku diperkenalkan dengan Girls Generation atau SNSD in short, satu girl group containing 9 angelic girls yang hit dengan lagu ‘Gee’. I will be putting up an entry dedicated to them after this. Long story short, I became a huge K-POP fan. Thanks to beberapa sources such as Internet and channel 303 of Astro (KBS World), dapat juga aku mengikuti perkembangan K-POP scene in Korea. The KBS World channel truly helps me because of its programming that always had something that is K-POP in it, terutamanya dalam variety shows.

From the latest singles and songs, I try to keep myself up-to-date. Kind of a bit obsessive, right? Well, that is the impact of hallyu on nearly all of the Asian countries right now, and perhaps throughout the whole world too. The first part of this series of confession will focus kepada several girl idol groups kegemaran aku. I tried to rank them based on the songs that I had in my MP3 right now. Without further adieu (this ranking is based on the date this entry is written, may change in the future):

1) Girls Generation (SNSD) – 1 full album, 28 songs (!)

Wow, terkejut juga aku bila calculate the amount of SNSD songs that I had. Yes, aku admit yang aku seorang hardcore fan SNSD all the way. Consisting of 9 members, bagi aku, they are truly the best girl group in Korea right now. All of them, from Tifanny, Jessica, Seohyun, Hyoyeon, Sunny, Sooyoung, Yuri, Yoona, and their leader Taeyeon ada charm yang tersendiri yang aku sangat suka. That is why kalau ada yang tanya siapa favorite member SNSD, aku akan jawab semua sekali because I just can’t choose. I will tell more about SNSD in a specially dedicated entry nanti.

2) KARA – 7 songs

Grup that was second in this ranking is KARA. Bagi aku, grup yang sangat cute with catchy songs yang sangat menangkap halwa telinga ni and also trademark dance yang menangkap mata. KARA dianggotai oleh Gyuri as leader, Nicole, Hara, Jiyoung and Seungyeoung. They are also very charming as a group. I have to say my favorite songs from them are the butt-shaking ‘Mister’ and also ‘Lupin’, their latest track that shows a darker and sexier image of them. My favorite member is Nicole, sebab she is such a dorky and funny girl, yet sangat sexy at the same time. Yes, she also speak English very well because she is from the States.

3) Wonder Girls and After School – 5 songs each

Wonder Girls, the first group yang menangkap perhatian aku ke dunia K-POP. They are awesome simply because of ultimately catchy songs and dances. Anak buah JYP yang semakin mencipta nama in the world stage. Of course, lagu kegemaran aku is ‘Nobody’. Kalau dengar sejuta kali sekalipun, I am still not tired of hearing it. They also have several songs such as ‘Tell Me’ and ‘So Hot’ yang sedap didengar. Currently, their newest song entitled 2 Different Tears are currently on the loop in my MP3. Can’t get enough of it.My favourite member is Yoobin, the rapper in the group. Actually, she’s the first girl that I like in K-POP.

After School is the equivalent of Pussycat Dolls. The currently 7 member girl group sangat hebat di atas pentas dengan energetic and charismatic moves. Aku start minat grup ni masa akhir tahun lepas, with their haunting track, ‘Because of You’. Sekarang ni, they are promoting ‘BANG!’ dengan image sebagai sebuah marching band. Ahli kegemaran aku dari grup ni is their leader Kahi. In my opinion the best dancer out there among girl idol groups. She will owned Beyonce anytime. Such an energetic presence on stage. Noona nomu yeepo! (Noona, you’re so pretty!)

4) Brown Eyed Girls – 4 songs

BEG is more to a vocal girl group at first, but as soon as ‘Abracadabra’ kicks in, they become just like the other girl groups as well. ‘Abracadabra’ was such a hit last year, disebabkan oleh the hip-swaying dance move yang menjadi kegilaan K-POP last year, beside the ‘Gee’ dance from SNSD. That song truly put this group on the map. Favorite member from BEG is Narsha, simply because dia seorang yang sangat sempoi (watch Invincible Youth for more) and tak kisah walaupun she is 30 years old this year.

Penat pula tangan ni menaip dan otak ni dalam memilih ayat. Time for a rest and I will finish up this rankings in the next entry. Selain itu I will also ranked my favorite male idol groups too.

Au Revoir.


-Aku sekarang sedang following closely ‘Cinderella Stepsisters’ series at channel 303. A tear-jerker to say the least. Gugur jugala sedikit air mata ni bila tengok series ni.

- R.I.P Paul Gray (1972 – 2010), bassist Slipknot yang telah pergi pada minggu lepas. I was shocked and sad when I heard the news. Truly a big loss for Slipknot and its Maggots, me included.

- Hopefully akan mendapat keputusan yang baik for last semester. But I doubt it.

- The build up for World Cup is as intense as ever. Aku akan membuat prediction sebaik sahaja kesemua team yang ada telah finalize their 23 man squad.

- A fully relaxing semester break sangat membantu aku dalam merehatkan minda dan badan. Harapnya will be fully charged when the new semester comes around.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A geeky TV junkie’s life

25.5.2010 7.06 p.m

Dalam beberapa hari lagi, bulan 5 akan menutup tirai and hello the month of June. Signaling that there is not much time left for me to spend on doing what I love the most, sitting in front of the television and watching interesting programs that Astro has to offer through the available channels. Menonton TV memang dah jadi satu lumrah bagi aku. It is also one of the main reasons for me to pursue my studies in broadcasting. It is because there are so many interesting programs that you can do or cover. It is up to one’s creativity to do it. Sepanjang cuti ni, I got the opportunity to watch several shows that I like and follows it. Ketika semester lalu, I did not get the chance to do it, so this semester break is the only period of time that I can use untuk melihatnya.

Ada beberapa rancangan di TV that caught my eyes in certain channels yang aku sering ikuti. I am a huge follower of the Learning Channels at Astro, which are Discovery Channels, National Geographic and in certain channels yang aku sering ikuti. I am a huge follower of the Learning Channels at Astro, which are Discovery Channels, National Geographic and in certain channels yang aku sering ikuti. I am a huge follower of the Learning Channels at Astro, in particular Discovery Channel, National Geographic and the History Channel. It satisfied the inner geek in me and also kerana rancangan-rancangan yang ada sangat menarik dan ada entertainment value. I always watch documentaries or shows that gain my interest, but there are several shows that I watched a lot simply because they are awesome show dari segala aspek produksi. Some of the shows that I frequently watch on these channels are:

a) Mythbusters

Hands down, the best show that combines science and entertainment perfectly at the same time. It aired daily on the Discovery Channel. Objektif rancangan ini sangat simple, menguji myths yang ada dalam kehidupan seharian kita secara saintifik. With colorful characters such as Jamie, Adam, Tori, Grant and Kari, it adds the entertainment factor to the show. I just look forward to every episode of this show because it will showcase myths that will be tested with sometimes surprising result in store and also the humour provided by the casts.

b) Ghost Lab

It is a new show on the Discovery Channel but it is rated very high in my book. Ia banyak berkaitan dari segi aktiviti paranormal. Namun, what makes it unique is that they approach the paranormal phenomenon in a very scientific way. Tiada unsur-unsur merepek atau meraban yang digunapakai. Instead, they use science thoroughly. Each episode, mereka akan menguji satu teori berkaitan dengan alam paranormal and put it up to the test. Aku memang seorang yang gemar dengan subjek sebegini and the whole concept of the show really intrigue and excite me. Selain itu, benda-benda ghaib yang ada dalam rancangan ni memang betul. Naik meremang bulu roma juga la bila tengok cerita ni.

c) Swords: Life on the Line

Satu lagi show baru from Discovery Channel. It simply tells the story and journey of several people who literally put their life on the line swordfishing at the Grand Banks yang terletak di perairang Utara Atlantik. I sangat terkenal kerana it is one of the most treacherous waters on this planet. Melihatkan perit jerih mereka menangkap ikan untuk menampung kehidupan mereka is an inspiring thing to watch. It also reminds me that men can go to such lengths and depths in doing such extraordinary things.

Selain daripada shows di atas, I also watch several specials on these channels. What makes me want to watch it is because these shows have evolved from the old days of boring documentaries with boring commentaries to a much more engaging products yang memenuhi taste viewers and also open their eyes to a lot of things in this amazing world that they live in. Aku ingin sekali produce products or shows seumpama ini because banyak benda yang boleh ditonjolkan yang ada dalam negara ni. Cuma the way it supposed to be showed should be more creative and appeal to the masses, bukan sekadar syok sendiri sahaja.

Au Revoir for now.

(Puisi-tri In Motion) Kasih dan Sayang...

10.13 a.m 25.5.2010
In my own private space of the open world

Dalam kesamaran itu
Aku masih mencari
Apa ertinya kasih
Apa ertinya sayang
Di dunia ini yang semakin gelap
Dengan kebencian
Dengan kedendaman
Dengan keganasan

Di manakah kemanusiaan kita hari ini?
Masing-masing dengan alpa dengan duniawi
Semua mengejar kemewahan yang tidak hakiki
Mengejar kekuasaan yang tidak berpanjangan
Kerana apabila hayatnya dicabut
Hilanglah semua itu dan terus luput
Dek kerana Yang Maha Kuasa

Namun begitu aku masih bersyukur
Kerana aku masih hidup dengan prinsip
Tanpa ada rasa benci dan dendam
Tapi penuh kasih dan sayang
Terhadap semua yang ada di sekeliling faunaku

Hentikan segala kegelapan dalam hatimu
Kerana hanya cahaya terang yang wajar ada di situ

A Thing or Two to be said tentang ‘The Special One’ dan AF8, among other things..

23.5.2010 10.43 a.m.

Time does flies that very fast and now I am back at home where I truly belong sooner than expected. Pengembaraan dan penimbaan pengalaman itu was short-lived disebabkan atas beberapa factor yang tak dapat dielakkan. Namun aku percaya when it comes to blessing in disguise, kerana dapat juga melepaskan rindu terhadap my three angels and do what I had not done for a very long time; rest, rest and more rest. This is the time to recharge my battery of life dalam preparation for the upcoming semester yang sudah semestinya much tougher than before.

Entry kali ini agak random kerana aku ingin meluahkan a few things on my mind. First up, the UEFA Champions League yang berlangsung last night. It was a tactical victory for Jose Mourinho’s Inter Milan side against Van Gaal’s Bayern Munich. Perlawanan semalam sangat taktikal baik dari segi attack mahupun defense. In the end though, two goals by the Argentinian maestro, Diego Milito sealed the deal and Inter won a historic treble. Bagi aku, ini telah membuktikan lagi my perception that Mourinho is the best football manager in the world right now. He took this above average side of Inter and made them into a very formidable side in Europe. Strategi yang baik meletakkan two defensive midfielders as a cover in Cambiasso and Zanetti menyebabkan Bayern had no real ideas to attack, relying heavily upon Robben yang dikawal ketat sepanjang perlawanan. On the other hand, Sneijder was influential for Inter, creating attacks and opportunities at any given time during the period of that final match.

Mourinho memang seorang yang special. Baik dari segi taktikal dan man management he is the best. He picked the right type of player to play within his system of football. Case and point Diego Milito. In my opinion, he is an Italian style Argentinian striker. Finshing dan presence in attack dia mengingatkan aku kepada Hernan Crespo dan Cannigia. Namun, at that final aku sangat kagum dengan kemampuan dia to fend off challenges and his ability untuk retain possession ever so strongly. If I was Maradona, I would pick him as the central figure in Argentina’s attacking setup ketika World Cup nanti and make Leo Messi play off him. As for Mourinho, cabaran seterusnya adalah Real Madrid dan the quest for that illusive tenth UCL triumph. Dengan talents yang ada di sana and with several decent signings, I believe Mourinho will deliver the goods for the Madrid side. Hopefully after that he will return to England and manage Manchester United. Face it people, it is truly fated.

Semalam juga aku berkesempatan melihat final AF yang kelapan. In my opinion, the simplest final that one can come up with. Baik dari segi stage, production value dan segalanya sangat simple and dwarfed in comparison to the previous AF finals. Dari segi quality of the show and contestants, it was the most well-prepared in the history of AF. Kesemua finalis member persembahan yang flawless, especially apabila performing their won singles. Astro struck gold when they cooperate with KRU because KRU provides the right type of platform for all of the contestants to step up. They all get their chance with a single each. These singles will make or break them. It is up to the people of Malaysia to decide. There is an advantage with the Final 7 contestants because they each have their own music videos from KRU, which is one of the best in this country.

Life does go on. Masa yang ada ini will be used to just rest at home, helping dad whenever I am needed and looking after my sisters. Oh ya, and also lots and lots of writing. I need to express it in the best possible way so that it can be shared with the world. Just one small step in my quest to become somebody in this world.

Au revoir for now, mon ami.


- KBSWorld is my favorite TV channel now, so much variety show showcasing my beloved K-POP stars. I am also following ‘Cinderella Stepsister’s’, a very intriguing Korean drama.

- Riding a bike is hard. Planning to do so as a way to exercise and also a mean of transport. One has to preserve the environment, right?

- Ada beberapa lagu dari finalis AF8 yang menarik perhatian. Definitely digging ‘RSVP’ by Maulana. Somehow it relates with my current situation.

- World Cup can’t come soon enough. The best in the world compete for the richest and prestigious prize in the world of football. What more can you ask for?

- Daniel Bryan beating up Michael Cole is the most satisfying thing I saw from WWE for a long time. He deserved it.

- Another project of recollecting stuffs from the lost hard disk is another thing that I am doing throughout this semester break.

(Gustimania) A Two Cents Worth of WWE

22.5.2010 9.14 a.m

How things have changed so much ever since the draft that happened a month ago. I have to say that I only watched recent WWE programming for only 3 weeks into my semester break and had not watch it for a long time due to my studies. Let's not forget the pledge I made to not watch it until I had finish watching Wrestlemania 26. That review will be up soon. But now, it's time to see how the future holds for the WWE.

Wrestlemania marks the end of an era of both Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker. I do think that Shawn is done and the Undertaker will only have one last run in the WWE by the end of this year and culminates it at next year's Wrestlemania. With Triple H taking a long time rest (hence he was brutally attacked by Sheamus at Extreme Rules), one has to say that the old guards of the Attitude Era has gone and it is up to the current main eventers to step up to the next evel and be the so-called 'ring generals' that these people were.

The draft has established the status quo of WWE programming. Raw as the flagship show had so much star power in it with guys like Edge and Chris Jericho adding to the many main eventers that Raw has already had. Smackdown, though many people see as the loser of the Draft, seem to be the show whereby younger guys are given the opportunity to truly shine. Case and point Jack Swagger, who is now the World Heavyweight Champion heading into his second PPV as the top dog of the brand.

I do think that we will be going into a very interesting summer period of WWE programming. Out of the two brands, Raw seem to have so much potential with the current roster that they have. Hopefully the storylines will suit the guys on Raw because it will be such a disaster if it does not fall through in a right way. For Smackdown that is seen as the building blocks for the young upstarts such as Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and many more, the programming would be solid as ever, but I do hope that they do not try and come up with experimental storylines that are very risky and not worth taking.

Well, that is a bit of my thoughts so far regarding WWE. There are many more to come, that is for sure.

Au Revoir.

(Puisi-tri In Motion) Bosan...

8.38 a.m 17.5.2010
Streets of the East Malaysia

Aku bosan dengan semua ini..
Kebencian yang saban hari tak henti-henti..
Tipu sana tipu sini..
Provokasi yang selalu mencalarkan maruah diri..
Sehingga hilang segala macam budi..

Aku bosan dengan semua ini..
Tuduh menuduh tanpa bukti..
Dakwaan yang mencalarkan reputasi..
Cubaan mengiyakan yang telah lama dibohongi..
Malahan mampu menjatuhkan orang yang dituduhi..

Aku hanya mahukan kebenaran..
Aku hanya mahukan kebebasan..
Aku hanya mahukan keamanan..
Cukuplah segala retorik dan polemik yang dangkal ini..
Bukan ini yang aku mahukan..
Cukuplah sekadar secebis kemajuan tanpa perbalahan..
Demi negaraku ini..

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Aku dan FIFA World Cup...

20.5.2010 8.56 a.m

Dalam lebih kurang 20 lebih hari lagi, the most famous sports competition ever on the face of this earth, FIFA World Cup akan berlangsung buat pertama kalinya di bumi Afrika. Satu occasion yang hanya berlaku empat tahun sekali dan sesunguhnya, amat dinantikan khususnya bagi football enthusiasts seperti aku. Bagi aku, it is the ultimate football competition disebabkan sejarahnya yang sangat menarik serta football greats yang memahat nama mereka dalam pertandingan ini. Di sepanjang 22 tahun kehidupan aku atas planet ini, I had experienced 4 World Cups (Italia 90 tidak dikira because baru berusia 2 tahun at that time). Setiap World Cup itu memberi pengalaman unik yang tersendiri bagi aku.

a) World Cup USA 1994

World Cup yang berlangsung di satu-satunya tempat atas Bumi ni yang tak berapa nak appreciate sangat sukan yang satu ni. Mereka lebih embrace sukan-sukan buatan mereka sendiri seperti American Football dan Basketball. Masa ni aku was 6 years old. Tak banyak yang aku ingat tapi I do know that the football was in the morning most of the time. Bapa aku sering melihat the football matches yang ada ketika World Cup berlangsung. Aku masih ingat jadual competition yang ditampal di ruang tamu dan bapa will always update the scores on that schedule. Oh ya, schedule tu berlatarbelakangkan Carlos Valderrama kalau tak silap, pemain berambut gerbang dari Colombia. Anotehr memory yang aku ingat dari World Cup ni was the Final and saat Roberto Baggio gagal menjaringkan penalty masa penalty shootout, thus handing the World Cup to the Brazillians.

b) World Cup France 1998

Kembali ke Eropah, pertandingan ini diadakan di negara yang kaya dengan sejarah bola sepak iaitu France. Masa ia diadakan, I was in Year 4, so pengetahuan bola tu masih lagi sedkit cetek tetapi dah terbuka untuk tahu tentang certain teams sepert Brazil, England Holland dan France. Aku masih ingat masa opening match which was at late night here in Malaysia. Hanya aku seorang sahaja yang berjaga melihat perlawanan tu. One of the more vivid memories that I remembered was England’s run that ended abruptly thanks to Argentina, Paraguay and Mexico’s impressive runs and also shocks by the Croatian. The final was a letdown bagi aku kerana team Brazil yang aku support lost to the host nation and Ronaldo was no where at that time.

c) World Cup South Korea/Japan 2002

World Cup yang pertama kali dilangsungkan di bumi yang aku pijak, iaitu bumi Asia. Satu-satunya WorldCup yang boleh dianggap fleksibel dari segi timing sebab matches banyak berlangsung eiterb waktu petang, Maghrib atau prime time malam. Sangat sesuai bagi aku yang berada di Tingkatan 2 waktu tu. For me, this was the best World Cup because there were so many shocks and surprises by the smaller nations against the powerhouse nations in football. Aku amat menyukainya kerana it broke the status quo. I was fully behind Brazil at this time. Aku juga behind every underdog nations juga, most notably South Korea because of its unbelievable rum to the semi finals. Ini membuktikan that Asians juga mampu berdiri sama tinggi dan duduk sama rendah dengan other nations in football. Aku masih ingat diri ini that was so excited in every Korean matches and became ecstatic whenever they pull a shocker seperti saat Pak Ji Sung scored ketika menentang Portugal, Ahn Jung Hwan’s header against Italy, and the penalty save against Spain. The final menyaksikan team yang aku support, Brazil akhirnya berjaya by beating Germany thanks to two goals by Ronaldo.

d) World Cup Germany 2006

The World Cup was back to a nation that has a significant history of winning it. Ia dilangsungkan di tanah Bavaria yang penuh dengan sejarah bola sepak yang sangat significant terhadap perkembangan bola sepak seluruh dunia. This was the first World Cup yang aku ikuti dengan lebih serius dan analytical disebabkan ia berlangsung after I finished my high school and just before aku memasuki alam university. Not the most memorable World Cup bagi aku kerana tak banyak shocks yang berlaku dan many favorite nations performed agak teruk in this competition. Brazil dan England was a huge letdown. World Cup ini juga kurang menarik disebabkan defensive approach yang banyak dibuat oleh nearly all nations. Maka, it wasn’t surprising seeing Italy lifting the Cup. The final match aku dapat lihat di UiTM Melaka, right after berakhirnya Minggu Orientasi yang sangat hell-like at that time. First live football match yang aku lihat bersama warga di sana.

Itulah memori aku apabila berkaitan dengan World Cup. Tahun ni, aku amat berharap agar the World Cup would be something that is very memorable because we need something like that to be cherished. Life without surprise would be boring. Walaupun aku predict Brazil akan memenanginya, tetapi aku berharap other nations yang tidak diberi peluang langsung mampu melakukan sesuatu yang shocking. Go Argentina!

Au revoir.


- Akhirnya aku decide to go back home and do what I do best, just rest, rest and more rest. This thing does not suit me at all. Just to stressful of a life to live.

- Planning to recover as much as I can the content of my lost external hard disk one thing at a time, although most of it will remain lost forever.

- Is starting to realize that he is falling in L again.

- Agak merindui content K-POP yang hilang.

The day I lost nearly 200+gb of memories in my life...

17.5.2010 9.11 p.m.

My psychiatrist says that it is best to express your sadness rather that to hold it on to yourself. Well, this is the expression of that sadness and most of it involves the huge lost of sweet memories of my life. That unfortunate incident happened on 15th of May 2010.

That was he day that will forever remain in the realm of my memories as one of THE WORST days of my life. The day I lost my freakin external hard drive. Perkara yang sangat menyakitkan dan melukakan hati yang amat sangat. Aku sangat frustrated kerana it was my fault and my fault only. Bukan salah orang lain ataupun faktor-faktor luaran yang mendorong kepada kehilangan ini. api bila difikirkan balik, maybe it is fated and like my late mum always said, ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian itu.

But still, aku still amat terkilan kerana ada banyak sangat files and folders dalam hard disk tu yang aku amat2 cherish and sangat terasa kehilangannya. Some of the folders are (I had to express it, kalu tak it will haunt me):

1.Fireuz4125's Pictures

For me, the most important folder yang aku ada. Containing semua work aku with my D40 cameras, all the pictures during school days, diploma days and even degree days, all family events that I had covered, and my wallpaper collections. It is really depressing because I know that it is impossible to recover it in one way or another.

2. Fireuz4125's Music

All of my music collections that I had collected since 2006, gone just like that. As a music lover, it is very sad indeed disebabkan banyak lagu-lagu yang susah nak dicari dah tiada dalam posession. Yang paling terkilan of course my complete Slipknot and Linkin Park discographies, as well as selected albums yang aku gemar. The JukeBox collections of nearly 1000+ songs are also gone.

3. Fireuz4125's Video

Another folder containing lots and lots of videos that I had collected since 2006. From movies to music videos to Korean programs, semua hilang. It is sad because I had put so much hours in collecting all of this stuffs. Not to forget all of my video projects from diploma and degree, including the freakin talk show. Damn, that really is a sad thing for sure.

Kalau nak cerita, memang ada banyak lagi folder dalam hard disk tu yang aku nak ceritakan, but I think these three folders is the most significant ones because it contains memories of my past, present and perhaps future. Thank god I have enough amount of courage to overcome this huge letdown. Perhaps it is best to fill that empty memories with new and refreshing ones. Here's hopin for it to come true.

Au Revoir, mon ami. ;)


- Contemplating of cutting short of his work trip because of all of this f-ed up mess. A friend's quote, "Chill lah" really came to my mind.

- Embracing the use of emoticons because it is the most simple way to express one's feelings.

- The World Cup beckons and here's hoping for a footballing miracle or two.

- WWE programming looks to be as solid as ever this year. More of that in the coming entries.

- Maybe just his feelings but maybe, just maybe that he is struck by the cupid again.

- I am starting to fulfill my own pledge of a blog entry per day, to make up to all of the days that gone by without one during the earlier parts of this year.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

(Puisi-tri In Motion) Alone..

10.47 p.m 6.5.2010
In my own room

As I sit here alone in my room

Pondering away looking at the night's sky

Away from all the buzz

Away from all the chaotics of life

Away from all the things that hurts inside

It gives me peace

It gives me silence

A silence of mind that open up thoughts

Thoughts that conjurs up emotions

Emotions that can lead to action

One thing for sure though

It gives me reassesment

Of the path of life that I have chosen

Though that might not be the last of it

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Aku dan Lagu (Part 7)

11.27 p.m 22.4.2010

Sum 41 - Pieces

I tried to be perfect,
But nothing was worth it,
I don’t believe it makes me real.
I thought it’d be easy,
But no one believes me,
I meant all the things I said.

If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.

This place is so empty,
My thoughts are so tempting,
I don’t know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it’s so crazy,
that nothing can save me,
But it’s the only thing that I have.

If you believe it's in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.

On my own...

I tried to be perfect,
It just wasn't worth it,
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
It’s hard to believe me,
It never gets easy,
I guess I knew that all along.

If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.

Well, edition kali ini aku ingin sekali berkongsi satu lagu yang kira sesuai jadi lagu tema semester pembelajaran kali ini, at least in my eyes. Lagu ni first aku layan masa zaman sekolah menengah dulu. Zaman tingkatan 4 yang penuh suka dan duka. The lyrics totally suits my situation right now. It is because aku try nak buat banyak benda in a perfect kind of way, but it seems that the best way is to just do it within my style and compromised with what other people do as well. Kadang2 bila fikir balik, it is better kalau jadi diri sendiri dar cuba nak copy cara orang lain. Lagi better kalau nak berniat jadi somebody dalam dunia ni.

Au Revoir.

2010 so far.. (3 bulan dan 22 hari yang memenatkan)..

9.35 p.m 22.4.2010
Wow.. akhir bulan 4 baru ada entri terbaru di blog ni. It has been a freakin long time since I write something in this blog of mine. Satu bukti yang menunjukkan bahawa 2010 adalah satu tahun yang sangat mengharukan bagi aku in so many ways. Sukar untuk dipercayai but this first four months has been an absolutely rollercoaster ride from start up until now. So many things that happened. Susah nak cerita satu-satu but I will try my best.

Sudah pastinya antara perkara besar yang berlaku was my continuation in the pursuit of getting my freakin degree in broadcasting. To tell you the truth, semester ke 4 yang dilalui has been an absolutely ride from educational hell. Bayangkan apabila terpaksa juggle 9 subjek (28 credits to boot pulak tu), each with it own tough assignments and such. Kadang-kadang aku terfikir yang my brain was splitted into 9 different parts. Nevertheless, teringat kata-kata arwah mak to just get on with every obstacle in life. Kata-kata yang menjadi pegangan aku sekarang.

The subjects pun bukan calang-calang dia punya degree of difficulty. Assignments kept coming like bullets each week. From big projects to written assignments, semuanya terpaksa dihadapi dengan penuh ketabahan and semangat cekal to succeed. But I like it. Especially the talk show assigment for TV production subject. That was a very meaningful project sebab it involves broadcasting and something yang memang menjadi minat aku. Shout for the prodcution crews a.k.a group mates yang menjadikan ia satu realiti yang best. Definitely an experience that I will never forget.

The Rock Show bebeh!!

Another big thing was perpindahan aku from rumah sewa di apartment dekat Klang (technically it is in Klang) to a house near Seksyen 7. Duduk bersama dengan senior2 Mass Comm, satu experience yang benar2 aku cherish. Walaupun sangat jarang berkomunikasi dengan mereka (out of respect sebab mereka pun sibuk and furthermore, aku pun sibuk), but they are cool people. Totally respect them 100%. Thank god, tiada masalah pengangkutan this semester sebab rumah pun dekat dengan UiTM. So, bas RapidKL menjadi peneman di kala waktu pergi dan balik. Tapi often juga la pulang dari kelas via tumpang kereta classmates. Kalau still duduk rumah dulu, jangan harap nak dapat ride la.

This semester juga, I have gain many real friends yang benar2 memahami aku as a person that I am. They are my classmates yang rapat and also can be called good friends. Cinta, Nora, Lea, Rudi and Fizo. Totally cool bunch of people that I have a pleasure in working with. Kalu nak compared dengan 'The Five' memang susah la because each groups memang aku suka in being part of. Nonetheless, aku sangat bersyukur to have them as great friends this semester.

Me, Nora, Lea, Cinta

Rudi, Guy Interviewed for assignments, Me

Rudi - The semester before I admit that aku sangat intimidated by him because he is such a brilliant and talented guy. This semester, that feeling changed and aku become close to him (NOT in a gay manner). Talk a lot about life, football and many more. And he is a damn good multi-tasker and editor.

Nora - Merangkap 'kakak' aku di sini. Sangat meticulous and cautious pasal work. Committed with work at the same time. Menjadi tempat rujukan aku di kala terlupa pasal assignments. Sangat kelakar and a very good friend. A damn good production assistant.

Lea - Merangkap 'adik' aku di sini. Damn I was so wrong with my perception of her masa zaman diploma dulu. A very fun person actually and friendly as well. Sangat best dalam designing and stuff.

Cinta - One of the more cooler person that I have as a friend. Suka usik dia at all times. Mempunyai memori yang sangat kuat sebenarnya. Tempat rujukan kalau aku ada terlupa something yang impotant. So comfortable with her. That is all I can say.

Fizo - (Sorry bro tiada gambar yang decent untuk dipaparkan) Kepala dia agak gila2, but at the same time antara yang paling serius, committed dan focus dalam kerja. Selalu minta tolong when it comes to assignments, tapi aku tak kisah because deep down, he is one of the nicest guy around.

This semester juga, aku try to reassess my situation regarding my love life. Tahap kesibukan yang melampau membuatkan aku tak berapa concentrate sangat pasal benda ni. I am moving on from my past and try to embrace the new. Maybe cuti semester ni aku akan betul2 reassess my situation and try to make a move perhaps? Seeing cousins bekahwin and ada anak2 yang cute membuatkan aku sangat envy and felt the pressure. Tapi kalau dah jodoh tak ke mana kan?

Well, that's it for this entry. Praying that the next time I'll write will be sooner rather than very late later.

Au revoir, mon ami. (Advance sedikit sebab dah 2 semester belajar French)


- Damn dah lama sangat tak tengok movies. Try to settle watching those in my external first. Can't wait to watch Nightmare on Elms Street.

- Missing my PS2 so much. Akan melepaskan rindu sepanjang cuti semester ni.

- Then again, this cuti semester will ultimately decide upon the course of my life. Praying for the best Insya Allah.

- It has been a very LONG time since I watch WWE. Taking a hiatus because I will never watch current WWE programming until I watch Wrestlemania 26.

- Mungkinkah I am having the same feeing that I have before? Time will tell.

- World Cup fever is on. I will be supporting England, Brazil and the underdogs. Go England!