2.50 p.m 16.4.2012
Wah, dah berhabuk dah blog ni. Kesian ditinggalkan oleh tuannya yang tersangat busy with a lot of things. But never fear, this time I will try to write as much as possible. And there are reasons to that. Sebab pertama, to polish up my writing skills yang dah makin tumpul. It is actually a necessity to my work as a Media Researcher (tailor-made job for me!). Selain tu, sebab kedua adalah untuk meluahkan banyak idea, pendapat, rants, isi hati yg dah lama terbuku inside my mind and also in my heart. Various events happening around me and happened towards me. So, ianya adalah satu benda yg natural to try and react to those things. And through this medium, I can at least meluahkan apa yang sepatutnya diluahkan. Dari saat ini juga, i will try to concentrate on using just one language per post, so this is the last one of this crazy dwibahasa type of blog post. Perlu dilakukan untuk improve my writing skills in English and also berpegang kepada bahasa Melayu yang memang melambangkan jati diri ini.
Now we that we get that out of the way, let's move on to some other things. Notakecil style, perhaps ?
- Working as a Media Researcher is actually fun. Really thankful to Allah sebab dapat kerja ni just after I graduated and during the time when I was going through a break-up. Memfokuskan segala tenaga ke arah kerja truly helps. Walaupun sebenarnya aku belajar broadcasting, tak semestinya aku tak enjoy doing things that I am doing now. Bezanya memang macam langit dengan bumi. Then again, this job suits me well and aku berharap dapat meneruskan langkah dalam bidang ni. Media Analyst perhaps? Only time (and effort) can tell.
- Benarlah kata orang tu, patah tumbuh hilang berganti. Now, there is someone special that is in my heart. And I am very thankful that she came into my life. I hope she will stay for a long time, perhaps sampai ke akhirnya. Jodoh kan? Harap-harapnya la. Dia memang seorang yg special. Memang dia 'si pelik' saya. I really hope that this will be the one for me, I really hope.
- The love for wrestling is better than ever. Awal bulan ni, I just purchased a PPV called Wrestlemania 28 adn watched it live fopr the first time in my life. It was worth that RM 19.99 that I paid. Satu moment yang sangat special. I also watched it with my dad, which makes it even more special. Satu special blog post akan dibuat for that, itu janji.
- Thinking about doing his masters, tapi rasanya lama lagi. Nak kumpul duit and ada kehidupan yang stabil dulu. Kadang-kadang teringin nak challenge myself to do it. Then again, dah lima tahun memerah otak. Tiba masanya untuk otak tu berehat sekejap dari academic things and more to life things, like work, personal stuffs and much more.
- 2012 is the year of politics in Malaysia. And I for once, am intrigued with it. Sebagai seorang yang atas pagar, it will be fun to see each side's stand (BN and PR) and their arguments on why they should be the one who lead our country. Aku hanya nak hidup dalam negara yang aman, damai, tiada (atau kurang) racism, harmoni dan dikelilingi media that does not always churn out political bs (maintstream media or not). Enough with all of these crazy accusations, personal attacks and whatnot. Bak kata pepatah, "a politician thinks of the next election, while a statesman thinks of the next generation."
- Been playing a lot of games lately, thanks to my PSP yang sangat portable dan memudahkan diri ini untuk bermain dari pagi sampai ke malam. It is fun getting in touch to that side of me, a gamer yang susah nak menyerah kalah dan akan habiskan game tu walau dengan apa cara sekalipun.
- So many good movies coming out. Akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk menonton all that I targeted, especially Dark Knight Rises. Itu memang wajib tonton and I will be mad at myself if I am not able to catch it when it coems out. That and of course The Hobbit too.
Well, I think that is just about it from me. Ringan sikit otak dan dada selepas meluahkan banyak perkara. More to come from me, that is for sure.
Au revoire.
7 years ago
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