Aku dan Lagu (Part 8)
11.18 p.m 23.6.2011
Akhirnya, telah dihidupkan kembali ruangan ini setelah sekian lamanya tidak dihidupkan. A resurrection after a very, very long time. Perhaps, it is my fault because I do not have a specific song to share that have a significant impact, in one way or another, in my life. Well, just recently I have found and heard this song and it pretty much sums up my feelings pada waktu sekarang. Perasaan yang sukar dibendung dan sangat mendalam di lubuk hati seorang yang bernama Fairus ini.
Lifehouse - Falling In
Every time I see your face
My heart takes off on a high speed chase
Now don't be scared, it's only love
Baby, that we're falling in
I can't wait till tomorrow
This feeling has swallowed me whole
And know that I've lost control
This heart that I've followed
Has left me so hollow
That was then, this is now, yeah you have changed everything
Every time I see your face
My heart takes off on a high speed chase
Now don't be scared, it's only love
That we're falling in
I would never do you wrong
Or let you down or lead you on
Don't look down, it's only love
Baby, that we're falling in
I'm standing in your driveway
It's midnight and I'm sideways
To find out if you feel the same
Won't be easy, have my doubts too
But it's over, without you I'm just lost, incomplete
Yeah you feel like home, home to me
Every time I see your face
My heart takes off on a high speed chase
Now don't be scared, it's only love
That we're falling in
I would never do you wrong
Or let you down or lead you on
Don't look down, it's only love
Baby, that we're falling in
All those nights I stayed awake
Thinking of all the ways to make you mine
All of those smiles will never fade
Never run out of ways to blow my mind
Every time I see your face
My heart takes off on a high speed chase
Now don't be scared, it's only love
That we're falling in
I would never do you wrong
Or let you down or lead you on
Don't look down, it's only love
Baby, that we're falling in
Don't be scared, it's only love
Baby, that we're falling in
nak dengar lagunya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzr2tgXPsVM
the best live version of this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH1s8IdFGio&feature=related
I actually first heard this song through a random link posted by a random friend at Facebook. A catchy tune, yet ia ada lirik yang sangat mendalam. Kebetulan pula, at that time aku mula mempunyai perasaan terhadap si dia (if you read my other entries, you will get the idea of the person that I am talking about). Bila teringat dia, terngiang-ngiang lagu ni berkumandang, like a background music or something. And now, after we decided that we will move forward as an item, aku consider lagu ini as my official song of her, just like 'Miss Independent' dan 'One in A Million'. And aku berharap inilah lagu terakhir yang akan aku associate with the girls in my life. No more after this. Cukup-cukuplah. Teringin juga nak menjadikan lagu ni sebagai lagu tema untuk majlis-majlis nanti. Majlis-majlis apa? Just wait and see.
Au revoire for now peeps!
- Akan cuba kembali aktif untuk menulis secara perlahan-lahan. Kenalah keep up dengan si dia yang aktif menulis juga.
- Aku telahpun memasuki alam pekerjaan di bidang filem. Bukannya sebagai pelakon atau pengarah, but just a concession cashier at MBO. Kerja part-time untuk mengisi masa lapang dan untuk mengisi dana 'khas'.
- Teringin melihat kesayangannya to have a long hair. That's just me but I am fine with her appearance no matter what.
- Ada apa dengan 9 Julai? It will come down to whether there will be a mass protest or a public embarassment. That's all.
- I have a second blog, but it is still underwraps. Patience, people! You will know soon enough.
7 years ago
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