6.04 p.m 20.11.2009
8 days removed from a hectic semester and also after long lay off, finally aku bernafsu semula untuk menulis. Semester yang penuh dengan kerja dan such and bagi aku sangat justified to just sit back and relax back at home untuk 8 hari. The downside of it is now aku terasa bosan semula. Just like during break yang dulu sebelum degree. And still there are more days to go before the dawn of the new semester. Sigh. I even don’t register the subject. Thanks to UiTM yang mana aku gagal mengakses laman student portal sehari sebelum tarikh tutup registration. Terima kasih sangat2.
Anyways, life must go on. Now that my sisters just finished their school season, I have to content with them for the rest of the holidays. Walaupun ini bermakna tiada peluang untuk menonton rancangan kegemaran di TV (adik2 aku pasti conquer TV cuti ni), at least dapat la melayan kerenah mereka. Something yang dah lama aku tak buat sejak degree ni. They are my lease of life. Tak tau la aku nak buat apa kalau my sisters tiada. Will not live anymore without them, I guess.
Lupa nak cerita, hari tu right after menamatkan paper terakhir, yakni paper management, I went to the movies to watch 2012. Yes, the new movie from the masters of disaster movies, Roland Emmerich. Thanks to Segat kerana sudi mengajak aku layan movie ni and apologies kepada members yang belum tengok lagi movie tu. Movies hasil karyanya yang pernah aku tengok were Independence Day and Day After Tomorrow. Aku gemar melihat visual effects movie2 beliau because it takes that one step beyond our imagination. Ni poster movie 2012.

Tengok trailer and movie posternya pun dah buat aku teruja tengok movie ni. It did not dissapoint. Simply put, the visual effects was awesome. Kalau tak percaya, cuba tengok scene masa kemusnahan Los Angeles. Tahap detail scene tersebut adalah sangat tinggi. Kalau tengok betul2 boleh nampak people jumping out of the buildings. The effects really made me always on the edge of my seat. Scene2 lain yang sangat hebat effectnya was the volcano eruption at Yellowstone dan juga saat Washington ditelan tsunami. Hebat sungguh effectnya. Rasanya kalau nak tunggu ada kesan khas macam tu dalam movies Malaysia, kena tunggu 20 ke 30 tahun lagi.
Story wise, it was a typical disaster movie plot though. People trying to runaway from the disaster. Even the ending pun typical Noah’s Ark ending. Walaupun plot crita kurang dinamik sebab sangat tipikal, ia membuatkan penonton to not think a lot about the storyline. Memang cerita ni intends to take the viewers to have a ride and watch a visual spectacle throughout the movie. Walaupun begitu, the question of humanity banyak dimainkan sepanjang cerita ni. It does reflects the today’s world. And bagi penonton yang peka, they will get the message. Aku sangat recommend cerita ni untuk ditengok, especially to those who likes disaster movies. The visuals in this movie will not dissapoint. Trust me. I’ve seen it and it blew me away.
Nampaknya cuti ni aku akan spend banyak masa with families and also watching movies. Next movie yang aku nak tengok is of course New Moon. I admit that I am also under the spell of Twilight. There’s something about fangs, blood and love that sangat menarik perhatian aku. I don’t know. Maybe just the sentimental part of me that is taking over.
Au revoir.
-Melayan game Smackdown vs Raw 2010 dan PES 2010 sepanjang cuti ni. It was worth the wait, let me tell you.
- Hopefully by next month dah dapat cari rumah. Kalau tak dapat cari, buntu aku.
- Can’t wait for the World Cup next year. With all the nations lining up, expect some surprises next year.
- Have a lot of thoughts regarding wrestling. Will express it in the coming entries, Insya Allah.
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