Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hiatus ends...

2.38 p.m 4.3.2009

Awal pagi tadi, ketika aku sedang tidur nyenyak (sebab aku tidur agak lewat last night, melayan programs on the television), aku dikejutkan dengan shouts of “Abah dah balik!!”, made by my sisters. Guess that my hiatus ends then. I got to use one of my father’s handphone and right now I am interacting with people again via phone. Tak sangka banyak benda yang aku miss. Guess when you miss a day, you miss nearly a week.

At least aku dah dapat balik mindset yang right and positive. Jika dulu sebelum ini aku felt a bit miserable, now I feel very confident to end this semester on a high note. Matlamat aku sekarang is to get that illusive 4.00 Gpa. Kalau aku dapat tu, I will feel very glad indeed. Selain itu, I will focus more on work and other things associated with it. Tapi, aku still takkan abaikan benda lain, macam writing this blog and others.

Banyak benda aku nak buat ni. One of the main things is to watch movies. At least tiga movies yang aku sangat interested nak tengok. The first is Watchmen, coming out this Friday. Based on a very cool graphic novel, yang mana aku sempat read, critanya sangat best. It’s like all those superheroes stories before (X-Men, etc.) but it is cranked up to the maximum in many aspects. Like visual effects, and storyline. Aku tengok trailer pun dah rasa excited. Another two movies are Slumdog Millionaire (kalau still ada lagi la di pawagam) and Dragonball Evolution (I am still frustrated by the way that it has been portrayed, tapi still teringin nak tengok).

Now, if only I have the money to go and see it.


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