Tuesday, December 15, 2009
(Bola Sepak) Perihal Tiga Generasi Peminat Bola Sepak
Alhamdulillah. Ketika entri ini ditulis, Malaysia baru sahaja layak beraksi di Final bola sepak Sukan SEA, beating the home team, Laos with 3 goals to 1. For the first time in 8 years, Malaysia has the chance to fight for the football gold. Kali terakhir was back in 2001, ketika KL menjadi tuan rumah sukan serantau ni. I was cautious at first tetapi apabila melihat kesungguhan pemain-pemain kebangsaan, aku rasa agak optimis yang Malaysia mampu mengakhiri kemarau 20 tahun tanpa emas dari sukan bola sepak.
But that wasn’t my main point of this entry. What I would like to share adalah semangat passionate terhadap bola sepak yang tersemat dalam keluarga aku. The best part about the match that I mentioned earlier was I watched it alongside my grandfather. He is a huge football fan. Tak kiralah kalau dapat tengok bola sepak peringkat manapun, from peringkat antara kampung, sampailah ke BPL, he would follow the match with huge interest, walaupun he is well into his 80’s now. Tadi pun, aku alongside atuk was in full support of the national team. The weird thing is that the last time this happened was back in 2001, during the same leg of the competition featuring Malaysia. Guess that things can happen twice in a lifetime after all.
Bila bercerita tentang pasukan kegemaran, selain Malaysia, atuk aku gemar melihat pasukan Arsenal. This is because they always pass the ball around, something that my grandfather said to be the most essential and the right way to play football. Hurts me a bit, considering the fact that I’m a Red Devil at heart. Mujurla di kampung ada Astro, so tetiap hujung minggu memang atuk aku layan bola BPL, if berkesempatan.
My dad also likes football, although not as passionate as my grandfather. My dad minat bola on an average level only. But still he watches football with me sometimes, if only the match itself is entertaining. Pak Long aku agak passionate tentang bola. Zaman dia dulu boleh dikatakan he was one of the most fierced player in the Muar district. Sayangnya, he chose to be a police instead of being a football player. Pasukan kegemarannya is Chelsea and favorite striker is of course, Didier Drogba.
Di kalangan generasi aku pula, nearly all of my male cousins are into football. And the range of football team yang disokong varies dari Johor FC sampaila ke Barcelona. Memang kalau ada big game masa berkmpul ramai-ramai di kampung, semua will be glued to the TV set watching the game. Joy of victory, pain of defeat, all kinds of emotion will be experienced once you watch a football match at the Basiron household alongside the Basiron clan.
Penat pula tangan ni menaip. Until next time.
Au Revoir.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
(Gustimania) The Smackdown Road Continues…
10.02 a.m 5.12.2009
Now we move on to the last, but not the least of the shows in WWE, Smackdown.
Smackdown was the first wrestling show that I truly follow since my childhood and made me open my eyes about the world of wrestling and how exciting it was and still is. I can’t believe that this year marks the 10th year running of the show. This year, by far this show is the best of the three that WWE have. Great wrestling matches, combined by intense rivalries and also interesting clash of persona had truly shape it as the best wrestling show not just in the WWE, but perhaps all of the wrestling world today. However, heading towards the New Year I have several doubts about the ability of this show to maintain its performance.
Let’s face it, the loss of Jeff Hardy, Edge earlier this year and the Undertaker holding on to the World Heavyweight Championship title had truly hurt the main event scene of Smackdown really badly. Jeff Hardy left a big hole to fill in the babyface department and apart from Rey Mysterio, there are no other guys that can carry that true blue babyface role effectively among the main event players. I think that the Undertaker is on borrowed time. His mobility in the ring is severely lacking after his latest return from injury and he needs multiple men type of matches to hide this weakness. It is interesting to see how he fares against Batista in the upcoming TLC PPV. Fingers-crossed, it will be a good match considering how good they really were when they were feuding back in 2007. Also, the fear of the same wrestler locking it up week aftere week could lead to the main event scene to be stagnant.
The midcards of Smackdown have been solid throughout this year. But, again the same problem as the main eventers; things are getting stagnant yet again. Also, the young and new superstars do not have the full support from the WWE Creative. The proof of this statement can be seen at the switch of team members of Smackdown prior to the Bragging Rights PPV. Out of all of them, I can only see John Morisson as the next breakout guy from Smackdown next year. In my book, he is one of my top three superstars of the year. He consistently delivered in the ring, having great feuds with a lot of superstars in Smackdown, and has the total package to make that step up. I also predict that he will make a big impact earlier next year because he is ready to do that. Drew McIntyre reminds me a lot of a young Triple H back in the day. No wonder he is highly regarded by Mr Mcmahon, Shawn Michaels and Triple H himself. He needs at least one more year of experience and great consistence showing to really become a force to be wrecking with in the future. To make things interesting on Smackdown, they need to inject new ideas to the mix. Maybe face or heel turn among the superstars could make the midcards look better heading towards the New Year.
The Women’s Division of Smackdown, though have more in terms of physical appearance, they do lacking in terms of in-ring performances. Sure, Michelle McCool is a deserved WWE Women’s champion, but she needs better competition. Perhaps having the Glamazon, Beth Pheonix in the title mix could make it very interesting. I wish that they can bring back Maria as soon as possible so that I can finally see my two favorite Divas right now, Maryse and Maria. Though I still consider Trish as the greatest Diva that WWE ever had.
All in all, the WWE need to freshen up Smackdown right now because it is in a slump. Again, as I said before, they need to inject something to kick start the show again. Edge returning could help but that is still far away from materializing. Elevating guys like R-Truth or Matt Hardy to the main event status could help also. Quick shout outs to the best commentary team right now, Todd Grisham and Matt Striker. I wish that they would be the one calling the Royal Rumble next year because that would be great, unlike that buffoon on Raw.
Well, that is all I can say about the WWE right now. In the next installment, I will discuss an in-depth look about my favorite 60 minutes of sport entertainment, the Royal Rumble of this past decade as we head towards the 2010 Royal Rumble.
Au Revoir..
Thursday, December 3, 2009
(Gustimania) The ECW Road Continues…
9.49 a.m 2.12.2009
Let’s move on to discuss about the state of a wrestling show that always fill up the wrestling fans’ appettite avery Tuesday night, ECW. Ever since the WWE draft earlier this year, we have seen several new faces that have truly shine towards the end of this year and no mistake about it, could ptentially move on to the bigger shows next year. Two in particular the Japanese superstar Yoshi Tatsu and of course the guy with the Power of Woo Woo Woo, Zack Ryder.
It has been a long time since we have a Japanese superstar. In the past we have seen the lights of Kai En Tai, Kenzo Suzuki (remember him?), and Tajiri were among them. This year saw the emergence of Yoshi Tatsu, with his simple persona and also full of determination in the ring, he has won several matches against the best of ECW superstars such as Shelton Benjamin, William Regal and others. He even came close to win the ECW championship from Christian. He does have the potential, but I have my doubts about his ability to step up because of his lack if mic skills and inability to vary his style in the ring. Maybe with a mouthpiece, or a manager in his corner to speak on his behalf, he might possess that tool to move further up the order in the WWE. Where is unaki when we need him?
Then comes Zack Ryder, in my view the most improved superstar this year. From being one of Edge’s lackey, with his quirky gimmick and athletism in the ring, he heads towards next year looking up, rather than looking down. Honestly, we need more of this kind of persona in the ring today, with weird but acceptable personality paired up with good in-ring works. He also came close to taste the ECW championship at one time against Christian. I love his entrance theme song. Perhaps the best in all of the WWE. Believe me, he might get a run at the ECW title early next year before moving on.
The Abraham Washington show has grown up in me and I am startng to love it. It brings fresh air to an ordinary wrestling show that is ECW. Abraham Washington reminds me a lot of Chris Tucker. A great talker, he manages to bring a lot of heat from the crowd. With the addition of the hilarious Tony Atlas to the show, every week it becomes one of the better segments in WWE today. I just hope, if he is capable though, that Abraham Washington does his talking in the ring sooner rather than later so that his persona does not become lame.
The main event scene in ECW has been revolving around one man and one man only, Christian. The departure of superstars such as Mark Henry and Jack Swagger during the WWE draft have left huge gap in the main event scene of that show. Sure, we have the lights of Regal, Finlay and Tommy Dreamer (where is he by the way?) but the title is still in the hands of Christian. I don’t know why but perhaps it maybe that the WWE creative trying to stall Christian’s progress and wait until the return of the Rated R Superstar. Yes you heard me right. The reunion of Edge and Christian maybe in the works. That will be as big, if not bigger that the reun ion of the Hardys a while back. The upcoming WWE TLC sees the return of the ECW championship match after being left out for four straight PPVs. The ladder match for the ECW title between Shelton Benjamin and Christian will steal the show given the huge experience that Christian has in terms of ladder matches and also the great athletism of Shelton Benjamin when it comes to this type of match.
Tifanny, as the General Manager of ECW has done a pretty good job as the autoritative figure of the show. All in all, ECW maybe look as the weakest show of all the WWE, but one cannot hide the fact that it has been the platform for a lot of superstars in the past. Just look at the amount of talent that originated in ECW that participated in the elimination matches at Survivor Series. Hopefully next year the planned brand revamping of the show will be scrap up because I like the way it is now.
Next we will see through the state of Smackdown, the best show of this calendar year but by the looks of it, may start the next year on a very bad state indeed.
Au Revoir.
(Gustimania) The RAW Road Continues…
6.03 p.m 1.12.2009
After a long time layoff due to foreseen circumstances, finally I’m back to give my two cents about the world of wrestling and its current state, especially in the WWE. Even though I haven’t spent that much time watching wrestling as I did before I went to pursue my studies further, I still follow the current situation that is happening thanks to constant access to websites such as Wrestleview.com and Nodq.com. My how the landscape of the WWE world (I will not use the term ‘WWE Universe’, sounds too cheesy and weird for me) changes rapidly this year. Now, let’s start our journey in looking through the annals of the flagship brand of the WWE, RAW.
The aftermath of Survivor Series saw the emergence of two particular superstars who became the survivors in their elimination matches respectively, Kofi Kingston and the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus. Kofi Kingston is still in a brewing feud with Randy Orton, which is for me the breakthrough feud that he needs to be a main event player in the WWE. Out goes the Jamaican happy-go-lucky persona and in comes the determined, fired-up attitude of a Ghanaian. Attitude that is needed if one wants to be on top. Hopefully that this feud will continue at least until the Royal Rumble, whereby I predict that he will win it to further establish his main event status.
On the other hand, we have Sheamus. His mini-Lesnar push at RAW has rewarded him with a WWE title shot against John Cena at WWE TLC pay-per-view. I was impressed with this guy from his earlier exploits in ECW whereby he was feuding with Goldust. However, I do have several doubts about his ability to really become the main event player. Does he have the needed move set to really perform in the ring? And does he have the sustain substance to keep him in the upper echelons of the WWE? These questions will hopefully be answered when he lock horns with Cena.
Let’s face it. D-X is on its last feet. Unless the Unified Tag Team Championship changes hand at the upcoming PPV, I just can’t see this tag team exploits of Shawn Michaels and Triple H last beyond the end of this year. It has run out of steam and I hope that this D-X thing will come to and end, paving the way for a Shawn Michaels-Triple H confrontation at Wrestlemania, the match that supposed to be held at WM20, only for Chris Benoit to ruin it.
In terms of the midcarders, aside from The Miz, whom I predict, will have at least a shot at the World titles in the near future after such a stellar year, it has been a solid, if not spectacular showing by them in the second half of this year. Some of them may not be as fully prepared to be the next main eventer, but with hard work and better booking by the WWE creative team, some of these guys could be next in line to have a World title shot by next year.
Maryse is back. This return is perhaps the best thing that could happen to the Women’s division at RAW. Let’s face it. This division has gone to a downward spiral ever since Maryse got injured at the start of the summer. Her presence will bring back the much needed drama and competitive quality in the Diva’s title picture. She is my new favorite Diva after the loss of such great Divas like Trish and Lita.
From the looks of thing, RAW finally gets its act together toward the end of this year and heading towards the New Year looking a lot stronger than Smackdown, as a result of the emergence of new superstars to the main event scene and solid storylines. All of that aside, I still pray that they would fire Michael Cole right away because he has been damn awful these days. Even Mcmahon and Jesse Ventura, as guest commentators a while ago, performed miles better than Cole and Jerry Lawler.
There’s my two cents on the current state of RAW. Other shows will be featured in the coming entries.
Au Revoir.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
(Puisi-tri in Motion) Memories..
In my own room
It describe something that were in the past..
Something that deeply affect us..
For the rest of our life..
It might be good memories..
Such as times with the loved ones..
Or at least times with those who were closed to us..
Those who were significant to us..
Sometimes it might be bad..
Catastrophes that struck suddenly..
Bad luck that ensued..
Dealing with fucked up situation..
Or something that we portrayed or saw as bad..
But it does fade through times..
As we move on with our lives..
Being far away from it..
And not having the chance to come back to it..
Ever again..
But I do ponder at times..
Should we make way for the new experience..
Or still cling on to those memories..
Memories that we know will never ever happen again..
As I ponder through it..
I knew that those memories will never also forever..
But at least I know..
That I will cherish as it last..
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Perihal cuti and hari kiamat tahun 2012
6.04 p.m 20.11.2009
8 days removed from a hectic semester and also after long lay off, finally aku bernafsu semula untuk menulis. Semester yang penuh dengan kerja dan such and bagi aku sangat justified to just sit back and relax back at home untuk 8 hari. The downside of it is now aku terasa bosan semula. Just like during break yang dulu sebelum degree. And still there are more days to go before the dawn of the new semester. Sigh. I even don’t register the subject. Thanks to UiTM yang mana aku gagal mengakses laman student portal sehari sebelum tarikh tutup registration. Terima kasih sangat2.
Anyways, life must go on. Now that my sisters just finished their school season, I have to content with them for the rest of the holidays. Walaupun ini bermakna tiada peluang untuk menonton rancangan kegemaran di TV (adik2 aku pasti conquer TV cuti ni), at least dapat la melayan kerenah mereka. Something yang dah lama aku tak buat sejak degree ni. They are my lease of life. Tak tau la aku nak buat apa kalau my sisters tiada. Will not live anymore without them, I guess.
Lupa nak cerita, hari tu right after menamatkan paper terakhir, yakni paper management, I went to the movies to watch 2012. Yes, the new movie from the masters of disaster movies, Roland Emmerich. Thanks to Segat kerana sudi mengajak aku layan movie ni and apologies kepada members yang belum tengok lagi movie tu. Movies hasil karyanya yang pernah aku tengok were Independence Day and Day After Tomorrow. Aku gemar melihat visual effects movie2 beliau because it takes that one step beyond our imagination. Ni poster movie 2012.

Tengok trailer and movie posternya pun dah buat aku teruja tengok movie ni. It did not dissapoint. Simply put, the visual effects was awesome. Kalau tak percaya, cuba tengok scene masa kemusnahan Los Angeles. Tahap detail scene tersebut adalah sangat tinggi. Kalau tengok betul2 boleh nampak people jumping out of the buildings. The effects really made me always on the edge of my seat. Scene2 lain yang sangat hebat effectnya was the volcano eruption at Yellowstone dan juga saat Washington ditelan tsunami. Hebat sungguh effectnya. Rasanya kalau nak tunggu ada kesan khas macam tu dalam movies Malaysia, kena tunggu 20 ke 30 tahun lagi.
Story wise, it was a typical disaster movie plot though. People trying to runaway from the disaster. Even the ending pun typical Noah’s Ark ending. Walaupun plot crita kurang dinamik sebab sangat tipikal, ia membuatkan penonton to not think a lot about the storyline. Memang cerita ni intends to take the viewers to have a ride and watch a visual spectacle throughout the movie. Walaupun begitu, the question of humanity banyak dimainkan sepanjang cerita ni. It does reflects the today’s world. And bagi penonton yang peka, they will get the message. Aku sangat recommend cerita ni untuk ditengok, especially to those who likes disaster movies. The visuals in this movie will not dissapoint. Trust me. I’ve seen it and it blew me away.
Nampaknya cuti ni aku akan spend banyak masa with families and also watching movies. Next movie yang aku nak tengok is of course New Moon. I admit that I am also under the spell of Twilight. There’s something about fangs, blood and love that sangat menarik perhatian aku. I don’t know. Maybe just the sentimental part of me that is taking over.
Au revoir.
-Melayan game Smackdown vs Raw 2010 dan PES 2010 sepanjang cuti ni. It was worth the wait, let me tell you.
- Hopefully by next month dah dapat cari rumah. Kalau tak dapat cari, buntu aku.
- Can’t wait for the World Cup next year. With all the nations lining up, expect some surprises next year.
- Have a lot of thoughts regarding wrestling. Will express it in the coming entries, Insya Allah.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Talking about a thing called unity
Tommorow is the day. The start of 3 final paper yang perlu dihadapi sebelum I can call it a day for this semester. Agak menguntungkan bagi student broadcasting berbanding students sequence lain yang ada more than 3 final papers. Good luck to them too. Kali ini, untuk menghilangkan perasaan bosan studying untuk subjek Hubungan Etnik (gabungan between Pendidikan Islam, Sejarah dan Pendidikan Moral zaman sekolah menegah dulu, trust me it is tiring studying these facts), aku ingin sekali berbicara tentang unity.
Unity or perpaduan, a core thing dalam konsep 1Malaysia yang dicanangkan oleh PM kita. Something yang bagi aku dah lama ada di dalam negara ni. Kalau tak, masakan kita mendapat kemerdekaan dari British tanpa perpaduan. Anyways, aku ingin sekali berkongsi pandangan dari segi unity antara student Mass Comm kat UiTM Shah Alam. From the first glance, aku tengok unity between part memang kurang. Susah nak tengok student part 2 mingle dengan part 3, part 4 dengan part 1 dan selanjutnya. Masing-masing dengan student part yang sama. Maybe tahap kesibukan menghalang. But for me, at least wujudkanlah perasaan sense of respect antara part. Kalau tak macam mana nak maju. Kita kan under one roof.
But one thing for sure, unity among students batch diploma Melaka memang kuat and strong. Aku rasa kalau dulu masa diploma tak unite sangat disebabkan mentaliti ‘kelas aku, kelas kau’, tapi di sini atas pemecahan mengikut sequence, maka toleransi pun berlaku. Then, faktor sama-sama mengharungi perit jerih masa diploma dulu pun should be counted too. Aku akui, ada juga orang from batch Melaka yang aku tak pernah nampak or kenal masa di Melaka, but baru tersedar masa di sini. Guess that Degree do show the true colors of people yang dahulunya agak reserved masa diploma dulu. And banyak contoh yang membuktikan yang walaupun sekarang mereka berada di sequence berlainan, semangat unity di kalangan batch Melaka ada.
Sebagai contoh, masa event animation hari tu, ramai member sequence lain yang datang memberi support masa event berlangsung. Rasa bangga juga la masa tu tengok member advertising, public relations dan yang lain-lain datang tengok hasil animasi member broadcasting. Then, masa event Hari Ini dalam Sejarah. Masa member broadcasting agak desperate sebab tiada sambutan untuk event, ada member sequence lain yang datang memeriahkan acara. Mereka boleh sahaja skip the event and went back home, but no they did not. Thanks kepada mereka yang ada on that night. Insya Allah, kami dari broadcasting akan fully support event2 anjuran member2 sequence lain. Satu janji yang aku rasa harus dikotakan.
Faktor Facebook pun aku rasa juga membantu pengukuhan talian di antara mereka. Kalau member meluahkan masalah, ramai yang bagi nasihat. Ada juga usik-mengusik dan sebagainya. That’s why I say bullshit to those yang pandang negatif terhadap laman-laman sosial seumpama ini. Aku rasa this feeling of unity among mereka tak akan pudar. Kita kan under one roof.
Ah, time to get back to studying. Damn can’t wait for this semester to end.
Au revoir.
- Seriously contemplating to move out from my currnt house in Klang to rumah yang berdekatan dengan UiTM. Faktor accessibility dan kerja mempengaruhi decision ini.
- Aktiviti masa cuti of course getting my car license back, fixing the damn car, finding the right house, working with my dad and merelease tension dengan pergi bercuti. Lots of things to do for a one and a half month worth of semester break.
- Next semester, for sure aku akn lebih berbelanja dengan berhemah. Hujung semester ni memang sakit dari segi kewangan.
- Just formatted my laptop twice in the last 24 hours. Nampak sangat kena beli laptop baru. Macbook Pro sangat diidami.
- That’s it. No more searching for girls here. I will always wait for my Miss Independent. Even if it means having no one else till the end. Missing her badly, it bleeds.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Of Graduation, Birthday and Degree
25.10.2009 10.24 p.m
Finally, Mr Fairus has come back to blogging!! Damn how time flies so fast. The last time I wrote was back in the middle of September. Sekarang dah akhir bulan Oktober. Nampak sangat tahap kesibukan yang terlalu hebat yang telah dialami sepanjang masa itu. Now, akhirnya aku rasa lega selepas berakhirnya semester 3 aku di sini. Baru tempoh study, belum lagi final. Arkh.. Things kept coming my way, and it is getting tiring.
Well, aside from menghabiskan masa study, buat assignment dan perkara-perkara lain, last week I had my diploma graduation. A very special occasion to all of us, terutama para graduate from the pioneer batch Mass Communication UiTM Melaka. Terasa bangga juga la di hati on that day. After three years of enduring countless obstacles di sana, segulung diploma berjay juga digenggam. My dad and my sisters were very very proud on that day. Nampak wajah bangga dan gembira terpapar pada my dad. I wish my mom was there too, tapi nak buat macam mana ;(. Anyways, it is still a proud achievement for me so far in this life.
aku dan bapa ku yang bangga...
Another significant day yang telah berlaku was my birthday. 22nd October was the date where I turned 21. The big 2-1. Bagi ramai orang, a significant age whereby one goes from being teenagers to become and adult. Tapi bagi aku, it is just a damn transition of numbers whereby we get older. Yang penting sebenarnya is the way we matured with age. Kalau umur 21 tapi still tak berfikir secara rasional, bijak dan matang pun tak guna jugak. Yang lagi penting, bak kata Ustazah subjek CTU aku, semakin meningkat umur, semakin dekat kita dengan mati. So, think about it. Thanks to semua yang wish aku pada hari tersebut. From as close as housemates, to classmates, to coursemates, to facebook friends, thanks a lot for the wishes. Azam sempena kenaikan umur ini, for me is to be more matured in thinking and become the man that I want to, taking one step close to become somebody in this world.
Degree oh degree. Damn it was a tough semester. Aku akui, I was shocked with the loads of work yang ada. Imagine, until now, I still have a couple of assignments left to done, walaupun pada musim final exams. Kalau masa diploma dulu, conditionnya agak relax dan santai. Tapi, sekarang sangat busy dan hectic. Peredaran suasana yang sangat drastic. Aku tak hairan dengan ramai member2 yang stress meluahkan perasaan di Facebook. Tak kurang juga yang extend dan to such an extend, quit dari degree. Memang degree is not for the weak and pussies. Cuma yang tabah, strong dan yang ada tahap kesabaran yang tinggi sahaja yang mampu survive. Patutla aku tengok bilangan yang graduate degree lebih sedikit dari bilangan yang enrolled.
Well, that is jus about it for this post. More post wil come, after tahap kesibukan ini berkurangan. Watch out for some catch up edition dalam blog ni.
Au revoir.. (dah nama ambil kelas French, kena la tukar gaya sikit.. Hehe)
-She came during graduation. That alone made my day on that day. Now, I cannot get her out of my head at all. Seriously I can’t. Now she is THE source of inspiration for me.
- Sangat, sangat obsess dengan SNSD sekarang. Dan masih lagi tak bosan tengok MV SNSD walaupun dah tiga bulan exposed dengan benda macam ni. Fighting!!
- Dengar cerita kalau grad first class, loan PT jadi biasiswa masa degree ni. Double the effort, I say. And kenapa benda ni tak diapply untuk diploma juga? Kalau benda tu berlaku tak perlulah akurisau dengan hutang2 macam ni.
-Aku syorkan layan cerita 500 Days of Summer. Not your typical romantic comedy.
- One thing for sure, next semester there will be many and huge changes in my life at degree.
- Sekarang ada Lite Facebook, satu lagi cara nak divert dari kena block oleh wireless UiTM.
- Baru perasan yang aku still tak tengok banyak movie yang ada dalm collection aku. Cuti nanti aku tengok.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Aku dan Lagu (Part 6)
Akhirnya, terdetik di hati nak menyambung this particular series di dalam blog ni. Bukannya apa, susah nak cari lagu yang betul-betul mendalam dan memikat hati aku. Also, lagila susah nak mencari lagu yang ada mening yang mendalam. Ditambah pula dengan jadual Degree yang membunuh, bak kata member aku, “Memang tak dapatla, jack.” Without further adieu, here it is.
Scorpions – Still Loving You
Time, it needs time
To win back your love again.
I will be there, I will be there.
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday.
I will be there, I will be there.
Fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again.
I will be there, I will be there.
Love, only love
Can break down the walls someday.
I will be there, I will be there.
If we'd go again
All the way from the start,
I would try to change
The things that killed our love.
Your pride has build a wall, so strong
That I can't get through.
Is there really no chance
To start once again?
I'm loving you.
Try, baby try
To trust in my love again.
I will be there, I will be there.
Love, your love
Just shouldn't be thrown away.
I will be there, I will be there.
If we'd go again
All the way from the start,
I would try to change
The things that killed our love.
Your pride has build a wall, so strong
That I can't get through.
Is there really no chance
To start once again?
If we'd go again
All the way from the start,
I would try to change
The things that killed our love.
Yes I've hurt your pride, and I know
What you've been through.
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end.
I'm still loving you.
I'm still loving you,
I need your love.
I'm still loving you.
Still loving you, baby...
Lagu ni adalah hasil nukilan band Rock dari Negara Germany. Namanya Scorpions. Antara nama lagenda dalam dunia rock kapak serta lagenda di pusat-pusat karaoke di seantero Malaysia. My first memories bila start mendengar lagu ni adalah when I was 5 or 6 years old. My dad membeli kaset (zaman tu CD adalah benda yang rare) koleksi Scorpions Ballad. Dipendekkan cerita, bila dalam kereta sahaja, lagu-lagu Scorpions menjadi makanan telinga aku. Apart from that, lagu-lagu ni menjadi antara first exposure aku kepada bahasa Inggeris. Bapa aku still reminded me of how aku selalu try nyanyi lagu-lagu Scorpions masa kecil dulu. Bersungguh-sungguh tiru style Klaus Meine menyanyi. Tapi macam dengar pelat bahasa Oran Asli, kata bapa aku. Tergelak aku di situ.
Anyways, minggu lepas aku terdedah balik dengan lagu-lagu macam ni, hasil ihsan member serumah aku yang ada koleksinya. Terus teringat nostalgia lalu, macam yang aku ceritakan di atas. Tapi, this particular song from this band yang membuatkan aku terlayan jiwang tahap tertinggi. Lagu ‘Still Loving You’ ni banyak menceritakan this guy yang still clinging on to his love towards his girl. Simple sahaja. Entah kenapa aku sangat melayan lagu ni. Mungkin sebab ada kena mengena dengan apa yang aku lalui sekarang ni.
Walaupun dah hampir 2 to 3 months aku bergelumang dalam arus degree ni, aku still tak nak memadam memori aku dengan girls of my past. Kalau nak tahu, baca entri aku yang terdahulu. Kenangan with them terlalu mendalam di sanubari ini. Walaupun with new surroundings, meeting new people and all, these memories still terlalu kuat dalam ingatan. Bersama si dia mengharungi onak duri SPM, terserempak dengan girl of summer camp, dan yang paling susah nak lupa, kenangan with Miss Independent. Memories that I will cherish while it last.
Bukannya aku tak nak cari yang lain. Calon tu ramai. Dari girl dalam RapidKL, girl yang duduk belajar di library, girl di café Menara, serta girl sefakulti. Semuanya attractive. Still, aku masih lagi with these memories. Only time will tell kalau aku mampu move forward. But at this point and time, Still Loving You.
- Disebabkan kerja yang berlambak, suram sedikit Raya kali ni. Dugaan oh dugaan.
- Musim bola semakin rancak dan menyeronokkan. Always looking forward to weekend matches. Glory2 Man United!!
- Masih lagi gagal mendapatkan DVD Summerslam yang terbaru. Tunggu duit Raya datang baru beli.
- Sudah menukar target pembelian kasut. Nak beli produk tempatan pula. Apa barang support benda import?
- So thankful terhadap member group sekerja yang berdedikasi. Semoga kejayaan lalu masa degree dapat diteruskan with these people.
Friday, September 4, 2009
September. How things have gone so fast right now. Pejam celik, dah hampir dua bulan dah journey aku di degree. And I have been so busy, that I have got no time at all to write. First post since August yang kering (satu entri sahaja). Kalau ada masa pun otak buntu nak tulis. Finally, tika dan saat ini, my brain suddenly has something to say.
Kosong. I don't know why but the last two or three days, there has been something that is missing. Aku terasa yang diri ini terasa kosong sangat. Nak buat assignment pun tak senang. Padahal berlambak kerja yang perlu disiapkan. And not forgetting tests that are coming up. Entahlah, jiwa ni macam tak ada apa-apa. Empty.
Maybe sebab dah lama sangat aku tak ada someone that is special to me. Someone that, at the very least, memberi inspirasi dan motivation for me to do what I am doing right now. Last time out, masa diploma ada la juga one or two 'sumber inspirasi' aku (Those who know, paham2 je la). Mungkin sebab tu aku terasa malas nak buat kerja, malas nak pergi kelas, and malas nak ambik tahu pasal hal degree ni. Because there is nothing to look forward too.
Kalau masa diploma, selalu sahaja ada motivation untuk buat kerja and pergi kelas. Because I knew that I do not want to let that special someone down and dissapoint. Now, there is nothing, I mean nothing to inspire me. Kalau aku try nak motivate diri pun, harapan abah, arwah mak dan adik2 menjadi azimat. But for me, that is still not enough.
Wow, I am going to a downward spiral. Better find that source of inspiration fast. If not, aku pasti hanyut masa degree ni. Now, I am clinging on that memories that I had with those who are special to me. But memories do fade with time and I am afraid that I cannot cope with it.
Better stop now before I went into another emotional meltdown.
Ciao. E.I.D.
- Having financial woes right now. Mula rasa menyesal sebab berbelanja tak tentu hala di awal semester.
- Dah aim satu kasut yang sangat smart sebagai sasaran pembelian. And it is not something that you would guess.
- Semakin kerap online, semakin rasa addicted to online. Better kurangkan kalau nak berangan ke luar negara masa praktikal nanti.
- Hasil pengaruh rakan2, now I am addicted to K-Pop groups, especially WG dan SNSD. Sangat menyukai Yoo Bin dan Hyo Yeon.
- Officially, aku dah rasa muak dan tak akan ambil pot tentang dunia politik negara ni. Kalau dah eligible nak vote nanti, baik aku undi calon Bebas atau rosakkan undi.
- Mark my words. Salah satu dari Big Four BPL tidak akan mencapai empat tangga teratas liga musim ni. Man City, Aston Villa, Everton, dan Spurs akan memberi cabaran yang maha sengit this season.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Just some thoughts that needed to be expressed
We meet again. Well, due to some unforeseen circumstances, dapat juga aku berpeluang untuk menulis lagi. Tahap kesibukan di degree ini benar2 mencabar bukan sahaja dari segi fizikal, malahan mental juga. Bayangkanlah if every day (Isnin-Khamis) I have to wake up as early as 6.30 and only spent a minimum of 5 hours sleeping. That means yang aku akan aktif selama hampir 19 jam for every 24 hours. Mentally jangan cerita la. Kalau dah sampai terpaksa menggunakan ‘alat bantuan’ dalam kuiz, menunjukkan yang mental aku masih lagi tak dapat adjust lagi dengan degree ni. Dah nak masuk sebulan weh.
Anyways, semalam aku membelek balik gambar2 masa zaman diploma. My how things change so rapidly fromdiploma to degree. Aku rasa diploma was way better and more fun than degree. Kerja taklah sampai kena submit every day. Life pula tak perlu fikir pasal duit sangat. Kalau lapar, dining menjadi destinasi tumpuan and kalau berduit sedikit, café menjadi sasaran. In terms of kehidupan, tak perlu nak terkejar-kejar because dekat sahaja kelas. Kiranya boleh lagila berak sebelum belajar. Another thing yang aku miss is the morning stroll ke koperasi di Melaka masa hari di mana there were no morning classes. Sangat refreshing, relaxing dan aman. Now, setakat turun bawah kondo, beli paper di kedai runcit. Tak fun langsung.
Members pun ramai, especially yang bukan sekursus. Sekarang ni susah nak cari di UiTM sini sebab nampak macam semua stick to their own group. Macam mana nak cari jodoh kalau macam tu? Sekarang ni pun still mencari member2 sekolah yang ada di UiTM. Tadi pagi baru jumpa seorang. Itu pun hampir2 tak kenal disebabkan perubahan skin color yang sangat ketara. Tapi now aku rasa Menara (Bangunan SAAS to some) boleh menjadi port mencuci mata. Ramai yang sedap mata memandang dan jarang juga mata ni sakit melihat something yang unpleasant to see.
Tak taula kalau dapat find someone here. Feelings towards that person is as strong as ever. Memang tak boleh nak lupakan si dia selagi either seeing her again or terserempak someone that is as close as a resemblance as her. Dia memang satu dalam sejuta.
Well, tetiba otak buntu. Until then.
Ciao (will change it to goodbye in French, still searching for the word. Senang cerita belum belajar lagila).
-Begging that I will have the opportunity to shop at the weekend. Desperately in need of new things.
-Dua event, no, instead tiga event yang perlu dibuat oleh Broadcasting students this sem. Mampukah ianya dilaksanakan. Only time (and prayers, luck and dedication) will tell.
-Sejak akhir-akhir ni sangat jiwang. Maybe feelings for her is at all time high? God knows.
-Tak sabar nak puasa sebab bulan puasa=bulan berjimat.
-Sangap nak tengok movie. Since Transformers, tak berkesempatan langsung nak watch wayang.
-Rumah sewa aku orang selalu kata jauh, padahal dekat sebenarnya. Membuktikan yang places are confusing to many.
-MP3 tak dapat read. A signal to buy a new one perhaps? Kalau ada budget beli kot.
-Tahap pelayaran laman FB sangat tinggi sekarang. Pasal tu makin ramai members.
-Ironi yang sangat kelakar and I think is deserved. Tengok TV9, pukul 9.30 p.m every Khamis kalau nak tahu what am I talking about.