Thursday, April 22, 2010
Aku dan Lagu (Part 7)
Sum 41 - Pieces
I tried to be perfect,
But nothing was worth it,
I don’t believe it makes me real.
I thought it’d be easy,
But no one believes me,
I meant all the things I said.
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.
This place is so empty,
My thoughts are so tempting,
I don’t know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it’s so crazy,
that nothing can save me,
But it’s the only thing that I have.
If you believe it's in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.
On my own...
I tried to be perfect,
It just wasn't worth it,
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
It’s hard to believe me,
It never gets easy,
I guess I knew that all along.
If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.
Well, edition kali ini aku ingin sekali berkongsi satu lagu yang kira sesuai jadi lagu tema semester pembelajaran kali ini, at least in my eyes. Lagu ni first aku layan masa zaman sekolah menengah dulu. Zaman tingkatan 4 yang penuh suka dan duka. The lyrics totally suits my situation right now. It is because aku try nak buat banyak benda in a perfect kind of way, but it seems that the best way is to just do it within my style and compromised with what other people do as well. Kadang2 bila fikir balik, it is better kalau jadi diri sendiri dar cuba nak copy cara orang lain. Lagi better kalau nak berniat jadi somebody dalam dunia ni.
Au Revoir.
2010 so far.. (3 bulan dan 22 hari yang memenatkan)..
Sudah pastinya antara perkara besar yang berlaku was my continuation in the pursuit of getting my freakin degree in broadcasting. To tell you the truth, semester ke 4 yang dilalui has been an absolutely ride from educational hell. Bayangkan apabila terpaksa juggle 9 subjek (28 credits to boot pulak tu), each with it own tough assignments and such. Kadang-kadang aku terfikir yang my brain was splitted into 9 different parts. Nevertheless, teringat kata-kata arwah mak to just get on with every obstacle in life. Kata-kata yang menjadi pegangan aku sekarang.
The subjects pun bukan calang-calang dia punya degree of difficulty. Assignments kept coming like bullets each week. From big projects to written assignments, semuanya terpaksa dihadapi dengan penuh ketabahan and semangat cekal to succeed. But I like it. Especially the talk show assigment for TV production subject. That was a very meaningful project sebab it involves broadcasting and something yang memang menjadi minat aku. Shout for the prodcution crews a.k.a group mates yang menjadikan ia satu realiti yang best. Definitely an experience that I will never forget.

The Rock Show bebeh!!
Another big thing was perpindahan aku from rumah sewa di apartment dekat Klang (technically it is in Klang) to a house near Seksyen 7. Duduk bersama dengan senior2 Mass Comm, satu experience yang benar2 aku cherish. Walaupun sangat jarang berkomunikasi dengan mereka (out of respect sebab mereka pun sibuk and furthermore, aku pun sibuk), but they are cool people. Totally respect them 100%. Thank god, tiada masalah pengangkutan this semester sebab rumah pun dekat dengan UiTM. So, bas RapidKL menjadi peneman di kala waktu pergi dan balik. Tapi often juga la pulang dari kelas via tumpang kereta classmates. Kalau still duduk rumah dulu, jangan harap nak dapat ride la.

Me, Nora, Lea, Cinta
Rudi, Guy Interviewed for assignments, Me
Rudi - The semester before I admit that aku sangat intimidated by him because he is such a brilliant and talented guy. This semester, that feeling changed and aku become close to him (NOT in a gay manner). Talk a lot about life, football and many more. And he is a damn good multi-tasker and editor.
Nora - Merangkap 'kakak' aku di sini. Sangat meticulous and cautious pasal work. Committed with work at the same time. Menjadi tempat rujukan aku di kala terlupa pasal assignments. Sangat kelakar and a very good friend. A damn good production assistant.
Lea - Merangkap 'adik' aku di sini. Damn I was so wrong with my perception of her masa zaman diploma dulu. A very fun person actually and friendly as well. Sangat best dalam designing and stuff.
Cinta - One of the more cooler person that I have as a friend. Suka usik dia at all times. Mempunyai memori yang sangat kuat sebenarnya. Tempat rujukan kalau aku ada terlupa something yang impotant. So comfortable with her. That is all I can say.
Fizo - (Sorry bro tiada gambar yang decent untuk dipaparkan) Kepala dia agak gila2, but at the same time antara yang paling serius, committed dan focus dalam kerja. Selalu minta tolong when it comes to assignments, tapi aku tak kisah because deep down, he is one of the nicest guy around.
This semester juga, aku try to reassess my situation regarding my love life. Tahap kesibukan yang melampau membuatkan aku tak berapa concentrate sangat pasal benda ni. I am moving on from my past and try to embrace the new. Maybe cuti semester ni aku akan betul2 reassess my situation and try to make a move perhaps? Seeing cousins bekahwin and ada anak2 yang cute membuatkan aku sangat envy and felt the pressure. Tapi kalau dah jodoh tak ke mana kan?
Well, that's it for this entry. Praying that the next time I'll write will be sooner rather than very late later.
Au revoir, mon ami. (Advance sedikit sebab dah 2 semester belajar French)
- Damn dah lama sangat tak tengok movies. Try to settle watching those in my external first. Can't wait to watch Nightmare on Elms Street.
- Missing my PS2 so much. Akan melepaskan rindu sepanjang cuti semester ni.
- Then again, this cuti semester will ultimately decide upon the course of my life. Praying for the best Insya Allah.
- It has been a very LONG time since I watch WWE. Taking a hiatus because I will never watch current WWE programming until I watch Wrestlemania 26.
- Mungkinkah I am having the same feeing that I have before? Time will tell.
- World Cup fever is on. I will be supporting England, Brazil and the underdogs. Go England!