Aku bangun pagi ni dengan penuh rasa excited. Yela, dah lama aku tak naik ke Genting dan berseronok menaiki rides di sana. Masih terngiang-ngiang suara aku menjerit like a girl saat menaiki Space Shot di sana a few years ago. Pukul 10, just as expected, I waited at tempat biasa, depan Puteri Park. Tunggu punya tunggu, I was impatient. Mana pula Alif ni? So, aku pun ke pondok telefon lalu try to call him? Sounds weird but that is what you have to do when you have no handphone.
“Apa barang Genting… Tutup dowh… Lepak TS sudah…” kata Alif di telefon. Perasaan menyirap sangat menguasai diri. Apa lagi aku terus ke TS, yakni acronym to Times Square. Nasib baik di kalangan member yang ada masa tu, ada pula awek. So, aku dapat juga cool down sedikit. Then, bowling time. Masa ni hampir 70% kemarahan aku difokuskan kepada setiap balingan boling aku. Dapat juga one strike and several spares. Boleh tahan juga score aku that day, memandangkan aku dah lama tak pegang bola boling. Here’s a picture of kawan-kawan yang lepak denganku today.
Lepas 4 games of bowling, lunch pula di medan selera atas Sungai Wang Plaza. Sambil makan, sambil borak. Masa borak tu aku tersedar, dah makin ramai types of people yang aku jumpa. Kiranya, aku tak berapa loser dalam meeting with the people. Hopefully this will boost my confidence when degree days arrived. After lunch, dalam 3 o’clock macam tu, tengok wayng pula. Niat di hati nak tengok Night at The Museum 2, sayangnya waktu tayangan tak suitable pula. So, we decided to watch this movie.

Angels and Demons. At first, aku agak skeptic about this movie because this was a continuation of ‘The Da Vinci Code’, which was a letdown to me. Aku kena tengok beberapa kali baru faham pasal that movie. But, I have to say lepas tamat tayangan, I was very satisfied with this particular movie. Banyak pengajaran telah diambil oleh director Ron Howard dari ‘The Da Vinci Code’ dan dia memperbaikinya dalam ‘Angels and Demons’.
The storyline was as simple and as straightforward as you can get. No flashback and such, just a flawless flow of plot and storyline. All actors put up a commendable performance, most notably Tom Hanks (Dr. Robert Langdon) and that guy that played pembantu Pope yang dahulu. The mysteries, clues and stories behind it were not as complex as in ‘The Da Vinci Code’. Taklah aku tertanya-tanya macam dahulu. Also, the cinematography was superb. I think it really capture the history behind Rome and Vatican and its significants.
Will I recommend anyone to watch this? Yes, I do. This is for all those yang minat cerita yang ada misteri dan thrill di dalamnya. Lagi satu, this movie really makes me respect other religions on a whole new level. Memang betul manusia ni ada pelbagai dan kita should respect all of them, no matter what race or religion. For me, a good movie to kick things off to many summer movies to come that I will watch, that is for sure.
Until then.
-Terminator Salvation is definitely the next movie that I will watch. Tak tengok tak complete la experience SkyNet aku.
-Nike Dunk akan dijadikan antara sasaran pembelian kasut aku sebelum aku ke degree. Serta beberapa baju yang aku dah target dekat Sungai Wang.
- Camera Canon DSLR500D is a very intriguing camera. Kalaulah aku ada duit untuk membelinya.
-Sah rambut aku memerlukan adjustment yang banyak. Nampak sangat nerd stylenya apabila disikat.